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Showing records 61 through 90.



First Lesson:  Deuteronomy 5:12-15
Second Lesson:  2 Corinithians 4:5-12
Gospel Lesson:   Mark 2:23-28                     
Hymns:    735, 752, 432, 528, 745
PASTOR CALL:  Last Wednesday evening the voting members of the congregation called Pastor Thadeus Flitter, currently serving at Zion Lutheran Church in Valentine, Nebraska.  We received this letter from Pastor Flitter:
Brothers and Sisters in Christ of St. Paul’s, Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
This last week I received the call from your congregation to work with you and serve as one of your pastors. I am greatly humbled that this call has been extended to me. I am also thankful for the opportunity this now gives me to deliberate between the calls I hold whether to come and serve the saints of St. Paul’s, Franklin or remain at my current call here with the saints at Zion, Valentine.  Please keep my family and me in your prayers during this whole process that God would give us wisdom and guidance as we discuss both calls. What a comfort it is to know that the Lord remains the Lord of the Church and that He will bless whatever decision that is made.  I welcome any input from you. Please share it with your church leaders and they will be sure to pass it to me.
God’s richest blessings to you, Pastor Thad Flitter
Pastor Flitter’s contact information is:  home (402) 376-1643,  cell (406) 876-4077, or email
VACATION BIBLE CAMP REGISTRATION:  It’s time to register your campers for this summer’s Vacation Bible Camp!  Camp runs from Monday, July 12th through Thursday, July 15th from 5:00-6:30pm and is open to students entering 3K – Grade 6 in the fall.  Register here!
 Have you been on social media and seen someone ask a question you really want answered? You might comment, “Following.” Then you will be notified about how others respond.  You may “follow” a favorite business, news outlet, or blog. This summer, we’re not planning to “follow” a celebrity’s social media account. We are following Jesus. We invite you to follow along as we walk with Jesus in the book of Mark for the next 6 weeks beginning June 6. Jesus gives his followers true rest. He doesn’t share his opinions on social media, but our God points us to his powerful Word and invites us to gather around it and grow. Jesus gives his followers so much more than an encouraging “meme” or a motivational speech. He is actually with his followers, leading us through and protecting us from the storms of life and comforting us when we encounter rejection or even death. We hope you “like” and “follow” this series.
           June 6      Mark 2:23-28 - Followers of Jesus - Enjoy Sabbath REST
         June 13      Mark 3:20-35 - Followers of Jesus - Gather around God’s Word
         June 20      Mark 4:26-34 - Followers of Jesus - Grow in God’s Word
         June 27      Mark 4:35-41 - Followers of Jesus - Look to Jesus in the Storms
            July 4      Mark 5:21-24a, 35-43 - Followers of Jesus - Are Comforted in Death
          July 11      Mark 6:1-6 - Followers of Jesus - Are Faithful in Spite of Rejection
ITEMS NEEDED FOR VACATION BIBLE CAMP (VBC): We are looking for donation of a few items for craft projects for VBC. If there’s anything you’d like to donate, please label it and leave it in the narthex or the school office. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Adams at 423-1445 or njadams86@yahoo.com. If you would like to help with a monetary donation, it would also be appreciated. Please give any monetary gifts to Pastor Adams. The items needed are:
• Small, clear glass jars (pint, 1/2 pint or jelly jars)
• Foam stars
• Stickers - crosses, stars, animals, other religious stickers like Jesus and bibles.
SUMMER OUTDOOR WORSHIP SERVICES: This summer we are scheduling 3 outdoor worship services. The dates are: 1. June 6th (the weekend after Memorial Day); 2. July 18th (the Sunday after VBS); 3. August 22 (the Sunday before School begins in the Fall). On those 3 Sundays, there will be just 1 service at 9:00 am. These services will be an opportunity for us to safely worship together as a group of believers. Everyone is welcome to join us on those Sundays. Please invite your neighbors, friends, relatives to join us in this informal and unique way.  There are reminder magnets in the narthex – take one for your fridge and share some with friends!  Bring your own lawn chairs!
COURTYARD MAINTENANCE:  We are looking for volunteers to support and maintain the Courtyard that is located between the school and church.  Our courtyard is the perfect project for individuals who enjoy Mother Nature in all her beauty. The courtyard is a focal point for our students and church members.  The courtyard is used by children of all ages and they would greatly benefit from a safe and clean environment.  Scope of support would include raking, weeding, watering and feeding plants, pruning, trimming and mulching in appropriate seasons.  Nothing required during the winter months.  If you are looking to volunteer your time, please reach out to Jeff Graetz at 414-748-2656 or email at maintenance@stpaulsfranklin.org
WLHS JOB OPENING:  Wisconsin Lutheran High School is looking for part-time staff to supervise and provide care for a globally diverse group of teenagers in our student residential facility at Honey Creek Hall. We are seeking females to work in positions that do not require residing at the dormitory.  Duties include working evening and weekend shifts 2-3 days each week.  Compensation and benefits vary depending on position. Applicants should have experience working in an educational or residential setting, preferably with international students. They must also be a member in good standing of the WELS or ELS. Interested parties should submit a resume to Becky Glass at hr@wlhs.org.
June 2-8 – TEAM #1 – Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee, Sherry Kosovich
June 9-15 – TEAM #1 – Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee, Sherry Kosovich
June 2-5 – CREW #4 – Gary Tosic & Jerry Lehtinen
June 9-12 – CREW #1 – Gordy Lesser
June 2-5 – CREW #5 – Gordy Lesser
June 9-12 – CREW #6 – Andy Backus

First Lesson:   Isaiah 6:1-8
Second Lesson:   Romans 8:14-17
Gospel Lesson:    John 3:1-17
Psalm:    150
Hymns:   194, 177, 747, 170
THANK YOU:  Thank you to Pastor Wayne Shevey for sharing God’s word with us this Sunday!
SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE:  We will begin our summer worship schedule this Sunday, May 30th.  Service times will be at 8:00 and 9:30 a.m.
THANK YOU:  To St. Paul’s Congregation, Thank you so much for the reception that was held for us last week.  Your kind words and gifts are deeply appreciated.  It has been an honor and privilege to have served you for so many years.  Thank you for allowing us to be a part of St. Paul’s mission to “feed his lambs”.  Randy & Nancy Willms
CONGRATULATIONS:  This past Thursday evening was Graduation for our St. Paul's 8th Graders.  Congratulations to Colin Granberg, Logan Hoffman, Caleb Matus, Diya Mogili, Patricia Prakasam, Lauren Roedel, Jenny Schwartz and Joshua Wesemann.  We wish them the Lord's blessings as they head off to high school in the fall!
VACATION BIBLE CAMP REGISTRATION:  It’s time to register your campers for this summer’s Vacation Bible Camp!  Camp runs from Monday, July 12th through Thursday, July 15th from 5:00-6:30pm and is open to students entering 3K – Grade 6 in the fall.  Click here to sign up!
STUDENT ART FAIR:  Our school was not able to hold the Art Fair in person this year, but you can visit the fair virtually by visiting this link:  Art Fair 
“FOLLOWING” – A NEW SERMON SERIES BASED ON THE GOSPEL IN MARK 2-6:   Have you been on social media and seen someone ask a question you really want answered? You might comment, “Following.” Then you will be notified about how others respond.  You may “follow” a favorite business, news outlet, or blog. This summer, we’re not planning to “follow” a celebrity’s social media account. We are following Jesus. We invite you to follow along as we walk with Jesus in the book of Mark for the next 6 weeks beginning June 6. Jesus gives his followers true rest. He doesn’t share his opinions on social media, but our God points us to his powerful Word and invites us to gather around it and grow. Jesus gives his followers so much more than an encouraging “meme” or a motivational speech. He is actually with his followers, leading us through and protecting us from the storms of life and comforting us when we encounter rejection or even death. We hope you “like” and “follow” this series.
June 6 - Mark 2:23-28 - Followers of Jesus - Enjoy Sabbath REST
June 13 - Mark 3:20-35 - Followers of Jesus - Gather around God’s Word
June 20 -  Mark 4:26-34 - Followers of Jesus - Grow in God’s Word
June 27 - Mark 4:35-41 - Followers of Jesus - Look to Jesus in the Storms
July 4 - Mark 5:21-24a, 35-43 - Followers of Jesus - Are Comforted in Death
July 11 - Mark 6:1-6 - Followers of Jesus - Are Faithful in Spite of Rejection
ITEMS NEEDED FOR VACATION BIBLE CAMP (VBC): We are looking for donation of a few items for craft projects for VBC. If there’s anything you’d like to donate, please label it and leave it in the narthex or the school office. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Adams at 423-1445 or njadams86@yahoo.com. If you would like to help with a monetary donation, it would also be appreciated. Please give any monetary gifts to Pastor Adams. The items needed are:
 • Small, clear glass jars (pint, 1/2 pint or jelly jars)
• Colored Sharpie-type pens (permanent ink)
• Clear contact paper
• Foam stars
• Stickers - crosses, stars, animals, other religious stickers like Jesus and bibles.
SUMMER OUTDOOR WORSHIP SERVICES: This summer we are scheduling 3 outdoor worship services. The dates are: 1. June 6th (the weekend after Memorial Day); 2. July 18th (the Sunday after VBS); 3. August 22 (the Sunday before School begins in the Fall). On those 3 Sundays, there will be just 1 service at 9:00 am. These services will be an opportunity for us to safely worship together as a group of believers. Everyone is welcome to join us on those Sundays. Please invite your neighbors, friends, relatives to join us in this informal and unique way.  There are reminder magnets in the narthex – take one for your fridge and share some with friends!  Bring your own lawn chairs or blanket!
COURTYARD MAINTENANCE:  We are looking for volunteers to support and maintain the Courtyard that is located between the school and church.  Our courtyard is the perfect project for individuals who enjoy Mother Nature in all her beauty. The courtyard is a focal point for our students and church members.  The courtyard is used by children of all ages and they would greatly benefit from a safe and clean environment.  Scope of support would include raking, weeding, watering and feeding plants, pruning, trimming and mulching in appropriate seasons.  Nothing required during the winter months.  If you are looking to volunteer your time, please reach out to Jeff Graetz at 414-748-2656 or email at maintenance@stpaulsfranklin.org
WLHS JOB OPENING:  Wisconsin Lutheran High School is looking for a Central Office receptionist. This could be a full or part time position. Applicants must be a member in good standing of a WELS or ELS congregation. For a full job description and to submit a resume, contact Mrs. Becky Glass at hr@wlhs.org.
31ST ANNUAL FRIENDS OF WISCO GOLF OUTING:  Everyone is invited to the Friends of Wisco Annual Golf Outing on Monday, June 21, at Ironwood Golf Course, in Sussex, Wis. At the event, we will honor the 1989 State Championship Golf Team with Coach Bob Lehninger (’63) and pro golfer Mark Wilson (’93). Cost is $160 per person with shotgun start at 10:00 a.m. Includes: green fees, golf cart, lunch and dinner, and two drink tickets. For registration and sponsorship information visit wlhs.org/events. Registration is limited to the first 216 golfers. Please sign up by Friday, June 11. For registration questions, contact Becky Glass at becky.glass@wlhs.org or 414-453-4567 ext. 2291
May 26-June 1 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek
June 2-8 – TEAM #1 – Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee
May 26-29 – CREW #3 – Frank Krajewski
June 2-5 – CREW#4 – Gary Tosic & Jerry Lehtinen
May 26-29 – CREW #4 – Connie Roedel
June 2-5 – CREW #5 – Gordy Lesser


First Lesson:  Ezekiel 37:1-14
Second Lesson:   Acts 2:1-21
Gospel Lesson:     John 14:25-27                    
Hymns:    177, 176, 188, 185
ALTAR FLOWERS:  This Sunday’s altar flowers are given by the faculty and staff of St. Paul’s in celebration of Randy and Nancy Willms’ retirement and of all their years of dedicated service in the ministry!
CELEBRATING RANDY & NANCY WILLMS’ RETIREMENT:  Join us for a dessert reception in between services this Sunday, May 23rd to celebrate the retirement of Randy & Nancy Willms (outdoors, weather permitting). 
PASTOR CALL: This past week 28 men graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. Those graduates, along with some reassignments from last year, totaled 33 new pastors. There were 74 requests for graduates to be assigned to serve as new pastors. Therefore, 41 requests were not filled. St. Paul’s was one of those requests that were not filled. Therefore, we will continue the calling of a second pastor here at St. Paul’s. A new call meeting has been set for this coming Wednesday, May 26th at 6:30 pm. Please remember these new pastors in your prayers as they begin their ministries.
MASK UPDATE:  The Board of Elders has continued to monitor mask wearing in church. They met recently and decided unanimously that at this time we will be asking people to continue wearing masks in the 8:00 am church service.  However, they will be optional in the 10:30 am church service (9:30 am service when the schedule changes Memorial Day weekend). The Board will continue to review our guidelines for church on a regular basis.
VOLUNTEER FOR VACATION BIBLE CAMP 2021: “Space Station Salvation“  In order to offer a safe vacation bible camp experience this summer, it will be held outside and for a shorter period of time. VBC will be held Monday - Thursday, July 12-15.  It will run from 5:00-6:30pm.  If you would like to help out, please fill out our Google form here, or the paper form in the narthex and return it to Pastor Adams or the office!
ITEMS NEEDED FOR VACATION BIBLE CAMP (VBC): We are looking for donation of a few items for craft projects for VBC. If there’s anything you’d like to donate, please label it and leave it in the narthex or the school office. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Adams at 423-1445 or njadams86@yahoo.com. If you would like to help with a monetary donation, it would also be appreciated. Please give any monetary gifts to Pastor Adams. The items needed are:
 • Small, clear glass jars (pint, 1/2 pint or jelly jars)
• Colored Sharpie-type pens (permanent ink)
• Star shaped beads
• Foam Stars
• Stickers - crosses, stars, animals, other religious stickers like Jesus and bibles.
SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE:  We will begin our summer worship schedule on Sunday, May 30th.  Service times will be at 8:00 and 9:30 a.m.
SUMMER OUTDOOR WORSHIP SERVICES: This summer we are scheduling 3 outdoor worship services. The dates are: 1. June 6th (the weekend after Memorial Day); 2. July 18th (the Sunday after VBS); 3. August 22 (the Sunday before School begins in the Fall). On those 3 Sundays, there will be just 1 service at 9:00 am. These services will be an opportunity for us to safely worship together as a group of believers. Everyone is welcome to join us on those Sundays. Please invite your neighbors, friends, relatives to join us in this informal and unique way.  There are reminder magnets in the narthex – take one for your fridge and share some with friends!
COURTYARD MAINTENANCE:  We are looking for volunteers to support and maintain the Courtyard that is located between the school and church.  Our courtyard is the perfect project for individuals who enjoy Mother Nature in all her beauty. The courtyard is a focal point for our students and church members.  The courtyard is used by children of all ages and they would greatly benefit from a safe and clean environment.  Scope of support would include raking, weeding, watering and feeding plants, pruning, trimming and mulching in appropriate seasons.  Nothing required during the winter months.  If you are looking to volunteer your time, please reach out to Jeff Graetz at 414-748-2656 or email at maintenance@stpaulsfranklin.org
WLHS JOB OPENING:  Wisconsin Lutheran High School is looking for a Central Office receptionist. This could be a full or part time position. Applicants must be a member in good standing of a WELS or ELS congregation. For a full job description and to submit a resume, contact Mrs. Becky Glass at hr@wlhs.org.
31ST ANNUAL FRIENDS OF WISCO GOLF OUTING:  Everyone is invited to the Friends of Wisco Annual Golf Outing on Monday, June 21, at Ironwood Golf Course, in Sussex, Wis. At the event, we will honor the 1989 State Championship Golf Team with Coach Bob Lehninger (’63) and pro golfer Mark Wilson (’93). Cost is $160 per person with shotgun start at 10:00 a.m. Includes: green fees, golf cart, lunch and dinner, and two drink tickets. For registration and sponsorship information visit wlhs.org/events. Registration is limited to the first 216 golfers. Please sign up by Friday, June 11. For registration questions, contact Becky Glass at becky.glass@wlhs.org or 414-453-4567 ext. 2291
NORTHWESTERN PUBLISHNG HOUSE OPPORTUNITIES:  NPH connects people with God’s Word through the publishing and sales of quality Christian books and gifts.  Use your skills and knowledge to support the mission of NPH as a part of our team.  We are currently interviewing for a Digital Marketing Assistant and a Customer Service Representative.  Both positions are part-time with a work schedule that is flexible around core business hours.  If you are interested in being consider for either position, please visit us at nph.net/join-our-team
May 19-25 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek
May 26-June 1 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek
May 19-22 – CREW #2 – Dave Qualmann
May 26-29 – CREW #3 – Frank Krajewski
May 19-22 – CREW #3 – Gary Tosic
May 26-29 – CREW #4 – Connie Roedel


First Lesson:  Acts 1:1-11
Second Lesson:  Ephesians 1:15-23
Gospel Lesson:   Luke 24:44-53                    
Hymns:  341, 169, 173, 175, 597
MASK UPDATE:  The Board of Elders has continued to monitor mask wearing in church. They met this past week and decided unanimously that beginning this weekend we will be asking people to continue wearing masks in the 8:00 am church service.  However, they will be optional in the 10:30 am church service (9:30 am service when the schedule changes Memorial Day weekend). The Board will continue to review our guidelines for church on a regular basis.
CHRISTIAN FUNERAL:  The Lord called Mrs. Karen Cyganiak to her heavenly home on Friday, May 7th.  A Christian funeral service was held here at St. Paul’s on Friday, May 14th.  “Then I heard a voice from heaven say, "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them." (Revelation 14:13)
CONFIRMATION:  The following students will be confirmed this Sunday, May 16th at 12:00 p.m.:  Colin Granberg, Logan Hoffman, Caleb Matus, Lauren Roedel, Jennifer Schwartz and Joshua Wesemann.  Congratulations to our newest Confirmands!
ADULT BIBLE CLASS:  This Sunday, May 16th will be our last adult Bible class.  We will see you back in the fall!
PASTOR WARNECKE CALL DECISION:  I thank God for the opportunity to deliberate between a call to serve you in Franklin or remain here to serve in Sturgis.  The Holy Spirit has blessed the process through his Word and the Christian counsel I received.  After time in God’s Word, prayer and deliberation, I have decided to decline the call to serve at St. Paul’s in Franklin, Wisconsin.  At this time, I will continue my service for God’s kingdom at St. John’s in Sturgis, Michigan.  May God continue to guide your congregation through his Word.  May he strengthen you in the midst of your needs.  I rejoice in our fellowship of faith and look forward to the Day when we all gather before the throne of God to live in glory forever.  Your brother in Christ, Pastor Darin Warnecke
CELEBRATING RANDY & NANCY WILLMS’ RETIREMENT:  We will celebrate the retirement of Randy & Nancy Willms in between services on Sunday, May 23rd with a small dessert reception (outdoors, weather permitting).  We invite all St. Paul’s Church & School members, past and present, to send your wishes through our online guestbook:  https://www.kudoboard.com/boards/goeE7umH    Those without internet access are invited to contact the office with their message and we will add it to the guestbook!
VOLUNTEER FOR VACATION BIBLE CAMP 2021: “Space Station Salvation“  In order to offer a safe vacation bible camp experience this summer, it will be held outside and for a shorter period of time. VBC will be held Monday - Thursday, July 12-15.  It will run from 5:00-6:30pm.  If you would like to help out, please fill out our Google form here, or the paper form in the narthex and return it to Pastor Adams or the office!
SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE:  We will begin our summer worship schedule on Sunday, May 30th.  Service times will be at 8:00 and 9:30 a.m.
SUMMER OUTDOOR WORSHIP SERVICES: This summer we are scheduling 3 outdoor worship services. The dates are: 1. June 6th (the weekend after Memorial Day); 2. July 18th (the Sunday after VBS); 3. August 22 (the Sunday before School begins in the Fall). On those 3 Sundays, there will be just 1 service at 9:00 am. These services will be an opportunity for us to safely worship together as a group of believers. Everyone is welcome to join us on those Sundays. Please invite your neighbors, friends, relatives to join us in this informal and unique way.  Watch for more details.
HANGING FLOWER BASKET FUNDRAISER: Flower Petals Farm will once again be holding a hanging basket fundraiser to benefit St. Paul's!  There are 6-8 varieties of baskets that can be seen here:  www.flowerpetalsfarm.weebly.com.  Baskets are $25.00 each, with $5.00 from each basket going to St. Paul’s!  Pick up date is Sunday, May 23rd from 9am–noon, in St. Paul’s parking lot.   Please call (414) 517-5161 to place your orders and schedule a pick-up time.   Thank you for supporting Flower Petals Farm and St. Paul's! 
WLHS PRISM CONCERT:  WLHS Prism concerts will be held Friday, May 21, at 7:00 p.m., Saturday, May 22, at 7:00 p.m., and Sunday, May 23, at 2:00 and 7:00 p.m. in the WLHS auditorium. Enjoy the God-given talents of our student ensembles, solos, duets, choirs and bands. Advance tickets are $7 for adults and $4 for children (A convenience fee will be added to online orders.) Tickets will also be available at the door, $8 for adults and $5 for children. Purchase tickets online at wlhs.org/prism or in person at the WLHS front office.  This is a socially distanced event. All attendees are required to wear masks that follow CDC guidelines for Covid-19 protection before, during, and after the event.
LUTHER PREP SUMMER CAMPS 2021:  Luther Prep tentatively plans to hold its usual slate of summer camps this June and July. Covid modifications and precautions will be in place. Day camps and overnight camps will be offered. For more information and to register, visit http://www.lps.wels.net/apps/pages/summer_sports_camps or call 920-261-4352. Hope you can join us this summer!
May 12-18 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer
May 19-25 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek



First Lesson:  Acts 11:19-26
Second Lesson:    1 John 4:1-11
Gospel Lesson:     John 15:9-17
Psalm:    98
Hymns:  491, 377 vs. 1-4, 490, 749
HEATHER SCHMIDT CALL DECISION:  Dear Member of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, As you know, over the past couple weeks, I have been deliberating a call to Garden Homes in Milwaukee, WI.  After much prayer and many conversations with people at both congregations, the Lord has led me to return the call to Garden Homes and continue serving here at St. Paul’s.  I would like to thank all who offered prayers on my behalf or shared their thoughts and opinions with me.  I am truly blessed to serve this congregation.  To God be the glory!  In His Service, Heather R. Schmidt
CONFIRMATION SERVICE:  We will have our Confirmation service at 12:00 p.m. next Sunday, May 16th.  Regular worship services will be held at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
CELEBRATING RANDY & NANCY WILLMS’ RETIREMENT:  We will celebrate the retirement of Randy & Nancy Willms in between services on Sunday, May 23rd with a small dessert reception (outdoors, weather permitting).  We invite all St. Paul’s Church & School members, past and present, to send your wishes through our online guestbook:  https://www.kudoboard.com/boards/goeE7umH    Those without internet access are invited to contact the office with their message and we will add it to the guestbook!
VOLUNTEER FOR VACATION BIBLE CAMP 2021: “Space Station Salvation“  In order to offer a safe vacation bible camp experience this summer, it will be held outside and for a shorter period of time. VBC will be held Monday - Thursday, July 12-15.  It will run from 5:00-6:30pm.  If you would like to help out, please fill out our Google form here, or the paper form in the narthex and return it to Pastor Adams or the office!
SUMMER OUTDOOR WORSHIP SERVICES: This summer we are scheduling 3 outdoor worship services. The dates are: 1. June 6th (the weekend after Memorial Day); 2. July 18th (the Sunday after VBS); 3. August 22 (the Sunday before School begins in the Fall). On those 3 Sundays, there will be just 1 service at 9:00 am. These services will be an opportunity for us to safely worship together as a group of believers. Everyone is welcome to join us on those Sundays. Please invite your neighbors, friends, relatives to join us in this informal and unique way.  Watch for more details.

HANGING FLOWER BASKET FUNDRAISER: Flower Petals Farm will once again be holding a hanging basket fundraiser to benefit St. Paul's!  There are 6-8 varieties of baskets that can be seen here:  www.flowerpetalsfarm.weebly.com.  Baskets are $25.00 each, with $5.00 from each basket going to St. Paul’s!  Pick up dates are Sunday, May 9th and Sunday, May 23rd from 9am–noon, in St. Paul’s parking lot.   Please call (414) 517-5161 to place your orders and schedule a pick-up time.   Thank you for supporting Flower Petals Farm and St. Paul's! 
WLHS PRISM CONCERT:  WLHS Prism concerts will be held Friday, May 21, at 7:00 p.m., Saturday, May 22, at 7:00 p.m., and Sunday, May 23, at 2:00 and 7:00 p.m. in the WLHS auditorium. Enjoy the God-given talents of our student ensembles, solos, duets, choirs and bands. Advance tickets are $7 for adults and $4 for children (A convenience fee will be added to online orders.) Tickets will also be available at the door, $8 for adults and $5 for children. Purchase tickets online at wlhs.org/prism or in person at the WLHS front office.  This is a socially distanced event. All attendees are required to wear masks that follow CDC guidelines for Covid-19 protection before, during, and after the event.
LUTHER PREP SUMMER CAMPS 2021:  Luther Prep tentatively plans to hold its usual slate of summer camps this June and July. Covid modifications and precautions will be in place. Day camps and overnight camps will be offered. For more information and to register, visit http://www.lps.wels.net/apps/pages/summer_sports_camps or call 920-261-4352. Hope you can join us this summer!
SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE:  We will be hosting an Open House for our school on May 12th from 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Please help us spread the word!  We have flyers available on the narthex counter for you to take to hand out to anyone you may know who is looking for a great school!
WLHS WORK DAYS:  Do you have yard work or spring cleaning that needs to get done such as raking, hedge trimming, or window washing? Consider hiring hard-working members of WLHS student council for a free-will donation. Teams are available for up to four hours of outdoor work. All money raised will go to the 2020-21 WLHS mission project to New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers, which provides a loving place for single mothers to start a new life. Work days will be held on any Saturday or Sunday starting April 17 & 18 through May 15 & 16. To request a team, please E-mail worksdays@wlhs.org and include your name, address, phone number, the work you need accomplished, any tools that might be needed, and the day(s) this work could be completed.
May 5-11 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer
May 12-18 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer



First Lesson:  Acts 8:26-40
Second Lesson:  1 John 3:18-24
Gospel Lesson:  John 15:1-8
Psalm:  67
Hymns:  461, 385, 79
HEATHER SCHMIDT CALL DECISION:  Dear Member of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, As you know, over the past couple weeks, I have been deliberating a call to Garden Homes in Milwaukee, WI.  After much prayer and many conversations with people at both congregations, the Lord has led me to return the call to Garden Homes and continue serving here at St. Paul’s.  I would like to thank all who offered prayers on my behalf or shared their thoughts and opinions with me.  I am truly blessed to serve this congregation.  To God be the glory!  In His Service, Heather R. Schmidt
CELEBRATING RANDY & NANCY WILLMS’ RETIREMENT:  We will celebrate the retirement of Randy & Nancy Willms in between services on Sunday, May 23rd with a small dessert reception (outdoors, weather permitting).  We invite all St. Paul’s Church & School members, past and present, to send your wishes through our online guestbook:  https://www.kudoboard.com/boards/goeE7umH    Those without internet access are invited to contact the office with their message and we will add it to the guestbook!
VACATION BIBLE CAMP 2021: “Space Station Salvation“  In order to offer a safe vacation bible camp experience this summer, it will be held outside and for a shorter period of time. VBC will be held Monday - Thursday, July 12-15. Tentatively, it will run from 5:00-6:30pm. All those entering 3K - 6th grade in the fall are invited.  If you would like to help out, please use this Google form to sign up!

Resurrection Hope has rich consequences for life every day  (May 2)
Resurrection Hope comes from Christ living in us. (May 9)
HANGING FLOWER BASKET FUNDRAISER: Flower Petals Farm will once again be holding a hanging basket fundraiser to benefit St. Paul's!  There are 6-8 varieties of baskets that can be seen here:  www.flowerpetalsfarm.weebly.com.  Baskets are $25.00 each, with $5.00 from each basket going to St. Paul’s!  Pick up dates are Sunday, May 9th and Sunday, May 23rd from 9am–noon, in St. Paul’s parking lot.   Please call (414) 517-5161 to place your orders and schedule a pick-up time.   Thank you for supporting Flower Petals Farm and St. Paul's! 
LUTHER PREP SUMMER CAMPS 2021:  Luther Prep tentatively plans to hold its usual slate of summer camps this June and July. Covid modifications and precautions will be in place. Day camps and overnight camps will be offered. For more information and to register, visit http://www.lps.wels.net/apps/pages/summer_sports_camps or call 920-261-4352. Hope you can join us this summer!
SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE:  We will be hosting an Open House for our school on the following dates:
•    Tuesday, May 4th – 4:30pm-7:30pm
•    Wednesday, May 12th – 4:30pm-7:30pm
Please help us spread the word!  We have flyers available on the narthex counter for you to take to hand out to anyone you may know who is looking for a great school!
WLHS WORK DAYS:  Do you have yard work or spring cleaning that needs to get done such as raking, hedge trimming, or window washing? Consider hiring hard-working members of WLHS student council for a free-will donation. Teams are available for up to four hours of outdoor work. All money raised will go to the 2020-21 WLHS mission project to New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers, which provides a loving place for single mothers to start a new life. Work days will be held on any Saturday or Sunday starting April 17 & 18 through May 15 & 16. To request a team, please E-mail worksdays@wlhs.org and include your name, address, phone number, the work you need accomplished, any tools that might be needed, and the day(s) this work could be completed.
April 28-May 4 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh
May 5-11 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer



First Lesson:         Acts 4:23-33
Second Lesson:    1 John 3:1-2
Gospel Lesson:     John 10:11-18
Psalm:                   23
Hymns:                 225 vs. 1-5, 375 vs. 1-6, 270 vs. 1-3, 432 vs. 1-3
THANK YOU:  Thank you to Seminarian Caleb Schaewe for sharing God’s word with us this Sunday!
BRANCHES BAND:   This Sunday, April 25th, Branches Band will be here to lead us in our worship. Branches Band, a Milwaukee-based music group, uses their love for music to identify the Savior of the world - Jesus! From a fresh take on ancient hymns to original compositions, from guitars and piano to vocal harmonies, the truth of God's love and grace is at the root of the Branches Band ministry.
Branches Band has performed in all 50 states and Canada and has served over 500 congregations by offering Christian concerts, assisting with worship, and developing music resources for today's church leaders and worship teams. Since 2008, Branches Band has produced 11 studio albums and completed nine songbooks, with plans to produce more albums and worship resources in the future. For more information, scheduling, albums, sheet music, and other resources, visit branchesband.com or find them on Facebook at facebook.com/branchesband.
There will be a free-will door offering after the service to support the ministry of Branches Band. Feel free to visit their display in the narthex for more information, CDs, and sheet music that Branches Band has produced.
THIS SUNDAY’S BIBLE CLASS:  Branches Band will be with us during Bible study to talk about their ministry, answer questions and even play a few more songs!  Please join us!
Resurrection Hope comes from Christ, our Good Shepherd (April 25)
Resurrection Hope has rich consequences for life every day  (May 2)
Resurrection Hope comes from Christ living in us. (May 9)
VACATION BIBLE CAMP 2021: “Space Station Salvation“  In order to offer a safe vacation bible camp experience this summer, it will be held outside and for a shorter period of time. VBC will be held Monday - Thursday, July 12-15. Tentatively, it will run from 5:00-6:30pm. All those entering 3K - 6th grade in the fall are invited.
To make this a successful event, we will need many volunteers, both adults and teenagers. Forms will be available soon. Please consider volunteering for this important ministry at St. Paul’s.
CALL RECEIVED – HEATHER SCHMIDT:  Dear Members of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, This past week, I received a call to teach 3rd grade at Garden Homes Lutheran School in Milwaukee, WI.  I am now blessed and challenged with the opportunity to consider where I might best serve the Lord with my talents and abilities - whether it be here at St. Paul’s or at Garden Homes.  I ask for your continued prayers during my deliberation and welcome any and all comments or input you may have.   In His Service,  Heather Schmidt
SECOND PASTOR CALL:  On Tuesday, April 13th the voting members of the congregation called Pastor Darin Warnecke, currently serving at St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Sturgis, Michigan.   We received this letter from Pastor Warnecke:

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, The president of St. Paul’s Lutheran in Franklin, Wisconsin contacted me on April 13, 2021 telling me the congregation has extended a call to me to serve as associate pastor.  Since God the Holy Spirit works through the Church to extend these calls, let us pray for the Holy Spirit to also guide this process.  I ask for your sincere prayers and Christian counsel as I consider how best to serve God’s kingdom.  May God be glorified through this deliberation and final decision.  Your brother in Christ, Pastor Darin Warnecke.
Pastor Warnecke’s contact information is:  office (269) 351-5308, cell (920) 342-2507, or email dwarnecke12@gmail.com
ESCAPE TO CAMP ITCHYBOTTOM:  Our 7th & 8th graders are proud to present this zany story about two Blues Brothers criminals who escape from prison!  The boys, along with their tough Ma and floozy girl Didi, hide out as they disguise themselves as counselors at Camp Itchybottom.  Hijinx ensue as the children at camp become suspicious of their new counselors.  Music and laughter accompany this original and hilarious play written by St. Paul’s former principal, Mr. Gary Wille.  This play will be presented by live-stream on Friday, April 30th at 7:00 p.m (use this link to tune in)!
HANGING FLOWER BASKET FUNDRAISER: Flower Petals Farm will once again be holding a hanging basket fundraiser to benefit St. Paul's!  There are 6-8 varieties of baskets that can be seen here:  www.flowerpetalsfarm.weebly.com.  Baskets are $25.00 each, with $5.00 from each basket going to St. Paul’s!  Pick up dates are Sunday, May 9th and Sunday, May 23rd from 9am–noon, in St. Paul’s parking lot.   Please call (414) 517-5161 to place your orders and schedule a pick-up time.   Thank you for supporting Flower Petals Farm and St. Paul's! 
SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE:  We will be hosting an Open House for our school on the following dates:
•     Tuesday, May 4th – 4:30pm-7:30pm
•     Wednesday, May 12th – 4:30pm-7:30pm
Please help us spread the word!  We have flyers available on the narthex counter for you to take to hand out to anyone you may know who is looking for a great school!
WLHS WORK DAYS:  Do you have yard work or spring cleaning that needs to get done such as raking, hedge trimming, or window washing? Consider hiring hard-working members of WLHS student council for a free-will donation. Teams are available for up to four hours of outdoor work. All money raised will go to the 2020-21 WLHS mission project to New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers, which provides a loving place for single mothers to start a new life. Work days will be held on any Saturday or Sunday starting April 17 & 18 through May 15 & 16. To request a team, please E-mail worksdays@wlhs.org and include your name, address, phone number, the work you need accomplished, any tools that might be needed, and the day(s) this work could be completed.
April 21-27 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh
April 28-May 4 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh



First Lesson:           Acts 4:8-12
Second Lesson:      1 John 1:1-2:1
Gospel Lesson:       Luke 24:36-49
Psalm:                     118
Hymns:                   145, 160, 165 vs. 1-4, 768
Resurrection Hope is certain through the Word (April 18) 
Resurrection Hope comes from Christ, our Good Shepherd (April 25)
Resurrection Hope has rich consequences for life every day  (May 2)
Resurrection Hope comes from Christ living in us. (May 9)
FACE COVERINGS:  Last Tuesday our Board of Elders met and decided that we will continue to ask everyone to wear masks or a face covering at all of our worship services.  We will continue to evaluate it every month.  Thanks for your assistance.
ALTAR FLOWERS:  This Sunday’s altar flowers are given by Don & Marge Gebert in thanksgiving for their wedding anniversary!
BRANCHES BAND:  Next week Sunday, April 25th, Branches Band will be here to lead us in our worship. Branches Band, a Milwaukee-based music group, uses their love for music to identify the Savior of the world - Jesus! From a fresh take on ancient hymns to original compositions, from guitars and piano to vocal harmonies, the truth of God's love and grace is at the root of the Branches Band ministry.
Branches Band has performed in all 50 states and Canada and has served over 500 congregations by offering Christian concerts, assisting with worship, and developing music resources for today's church leaders and worship teams. Since 2008, Branches Band has produced 11 studio albums and completed nine songbooks, with plans to produce more albums and worship resources in the future. For more information, scheduling, albums, sheet music, and other resources, visit branchesband.com or find them on Facebook at facebook.com/branchesband.  Seminarian Caleb Schaewe will also be preaching for us as well.
HANGING FLOWER BASKET FUNDRAISER: Flower Petals Farm will once again be holding a hanging basket fundraiser to benefit St. Paul's!  There are 6-8 varieties of baskets that can be seen here:  www.flowerpetalsfarm.weebly.com.  Baskets are $25.00 each, with $5.00 from each basket going to St. Paul’s!  Pick up dates are Sunday, May 9th and Sunday, May 23rd from 9am–noon, in St. Paul’s parking lot.   Please call (414) 517-5161 to place your orders and schedule a pick-up time.   Thank you for supporting Flower Petals Farm and St. Paul's! 
SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE:  We will be hosting an Open House for our school on the following dates:
•     Saturday, April 17th – 10:00am-2:00pm
•     Sunday, April 18th – 11:30am-2:00pm
•     Tuesday, May 4th – 4:30pm-7:30pm
•     Wednesday, May 12th – 4:30pm-7:30pm
Please help us spread the word!  We have flyers available on the narthex counter for you to take to hand out to anyone you may know who is looking for a great school!
ESCAPE TO CAMP ITCHYBOTTOM:  Our 7th & 8th graders are proud to present this zany story about two Blues Brothers criminals who escape from prison!  The boys, along with their tough Ma and floozy girl Didi, hide out as they disguise themselves as counselors at Camp Itchybottom.  Hijinx ensue as the children at camp become suspicious of their new counselors.  Music and laughter accompany this original and hilarious play written by St. Paul’s former principal, Mr. Gary Wille.  This play will be presented by live-stream on Friday, April 30th at 7:00 p.m.  Watch for the link to join us!

WLHS PRESENTS "A NIGHT ON BROADWAY": WLHS is excited to present this all new Musical Theater Revue!  This year’s musical is a Revue featuring many of the all-time iconic favorite songs of Broadway.  Come see this talented cast of students belt out those famous Broadway tunes, and leave with them stuck in your head for days!  Performances are Friday, April 23 and Saturday, April 24 at 7:30 PM and Sunday, April 25 at 1:30 PM.  Tickets are on sale now and may be purchased either at the door or online by visiting wlhs.ludus.com.  The cost is $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for children (through 8th grade).  This is a socially distant event.  Masks that follow CDC guidelines for Covid-19 protection are required before, during and after the event.
WLHS WORK DAYS:  Do you have yard work or spring cleaning that needs to get done such as raking, hedge trimming, or window washing? Consider hiring hard-working members of WLHS student council for a free-will donation. Teams are available for up to four hours of outdoor work. All money raised will go to the 2020-21 WLHS mission project to New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers, which provides a loving place for single mothers to start a new life. Work days will be held on any Saturday or Sunday starting April 17 & 18 through May 15 & 16. To request a team, please E-mail worksdays@wlhs.org and include your name, address, phone number, the work you need accomplished, any tools that might be needed, and the day(s) this work could be completed.
April 14-20 – TEAM #1 – Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee
April 21-27 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh


First Lesson          Acts 3:12-20
Second Lesson     1 John 5:1-6
Gospel Lesson      John 20:19-31
Psalm                     16
Hymns                  145, 165 (vs. 1,4-7), 160, 323
THANK YOU:  Thank you to Pastor Harlyn Kuschel for sharing God’s word with us this Sunday!
WORSHIP SERVICE VIDEO:  The video of this Sunday’s service will be posted on Monday, April 12th.  Thank you for your patience!
NO BIBLE CLASS:  There will be no Adult Bible class this Sunday, April 11th.  We will resume class next Sunday, April 18th.
NEXT CALL MEETING:  Our next call meeting for a second Pastor will be this Tuesday, April 13th at 6:30 PM.
SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE:  We will be hosting an Open House for our school on the following dates:
•    Saturday, April 17th – 10:00am-2:00pm
•    Sunday, April 18th – 11:30am-2:00pm
•    Tuesday, May 4th – 4:30pm-7:30pm
•    Wednesday, May 12th – 4:30pm-7:30pm
Please help us spread the word!  We have flyers available on the narthex counter for you to take to hand out to anyone you may know who is looking for a great school!

WLHS PRESENTS "A NIGHT ON BROADWAY:  WLHS is excited to present this all new Musical Theater Revue!  This year’s musical is a Revue featuring many of the all-time iconic favorite songs of Broadway.  Come see this talented cast of students belt out those famous Broadway tunes, and leave with them stuck in your head for days!  Performances are Friday, April 23 and Saturday, April 24 at 7:30 PM and Sunday, April 25 at 1:30 PM.  Tickets are on sale now and may be purchased either at the door or online by visiting wlhs.ludus.com.  The cost is $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for children (through 8th grade).  This is a socially distant event.  Masks that follow CDC guidelines for Covid-19 protection are required before, during and after the event.
WLHS WORK DAYS:  Do you have yard work or spring cleaning that needs to get done such as raking, hedge trimming, or window washing? Consider hiring hard-working members of WLHS student council for a free-will donation. Teams are available for up to four hours of outdoor work. All money raised will go to the 2020-21 WLHS mission project to New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers, which provides a loving place for single mothers to start a new life. Work days will be held on any Saturday or Sunday starting April 17 & 18 through May 15 & 16. To request a team, please E-mail worksdays@wlhs.org and include your name, address, phone number, the work you need accomplished, any tools that might be needed, and the day(s) this work could be completed.
VOLUNTEER REQUEST:  We are looking for support with lawn care at the Church's cemetery, which is located one block east of 51st and College.  Lot size is roughly 2.5 acres and we have shed on site with 1 riding lawnmower and 1 walk behind.  Ideally, we are looking for enough volunteers so we can limit your time to once a month.  If you are looking to volunteer your time or you just love cutting grass please reach out to Jeff Graetz at 414-748-2656 or email at maintenance@stpaulsfranklin.org.
VIKING EXPLORER SUMMER CAMPS:  The WLHS family would like to welcome you to the Viking Explorers Summer Camps. Our offerings are designed to give you a chance to grow and experience a wide variety of activities and interests in a Christian setting. If you have any questions about our camps, you can contact the camp director (contact information is listed on each camp’s page). Additionally, you can contact coordinator Mr. Blair Schaper at 414-453-4567 ext 1326 or at blair.schaper@wlhs.org.  Questions about registration for camps can be directed to WLHS Central Office at 414-453-4567. We look forward to seeing you at Wisconsin Lutheran High School this summer!
April 7-13 – TEAM #1 – Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee
April 14-20 – TEAM #1 – Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee



:  There will be no Adult Bible class today (Easter Sunday), or next Sunday, April 11th.  We will resume class on Sunday, April 18th.
CALL RETURNED:  Pastor Becker has sent us this letter, returning our call: Dear Members of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Greetings in the name of the name of the Lord Jesus who has given us new birth into a living hope through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Deliberating between the call you have extended and my current call at Christ Lutheran Church has again driven home what a precious privilege it is to preach that gospel of Christ crucified and risen.  It has been a joy to talk to some of the members of St. Paul’s over the last few weeks and become familiar with your ministry in Franklin.  I have appreciated the godly counsel, advice, and prayers from members at both congregations as I have prayerfully deliberated where to best use the gifts God has given me in light of the needs of both churches.  After much prayerful deliberation, I return the call to serve at Immanuel Lutheran Church.  I, as well as your brothers and sisters in the faith at Christ Lutheran Church, will continue to keep all of you in our prayers as you wait for the Lord to provide your next pastor.  May God strengthen you in the faith by his grace.  In Jesus’ Name, Pastor Joshua Becker
NEXT CALL MEETING:  Our next call meeting for a second Pastor will be Tuesday, April 13th at 6:30 PM.
SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE:  We will be hosting an Open House for our school on the following dates:
•    Saturday, April 17th – 10:00am-2:00pm
•    Sunday, April 18th – 11:30am-2:00pm
•    Tuesday, May 4th – 4:30pm-7:30pm
•    Wednesday, May 12th – 4:30pm-7:30pm
Please help us spread the word!  We have flyers available on the narthex counter for you to take to hand out to anyone you may know who is looking for a great school!
VOLUNTEER REQUEST:  We are looking for support with lawn care at the Church's cemetery, which is located one block east of 51st and College.  Lot size is roughly 2.5 acres and we have shed on site with 1 riding lawnmower and 1 walk behind.  Ideally, we are looking for enough volunteers so we can limit your time to once a month.  If you are looking to volunteer your time or you just love cutting grass please reach out to Jeff Graetz at 414-748-2656 or email at maintenance@stpaulsfranklin.org.

WLHS PRESENTS "A NIGHT ON BROADWAY":  WLHS is excited to present this all new Musical Theater Revue!  This year’s musical is a Revue featuring many of the all-time iconic favorite songs of Broadway.  Come see this talented cast of students belt out those famous Broadway tunes, and leave with them stuck in your head for days!  Performances are Friday, April 23 and Saturday, April 24 at 7:30 PM and Sunday, April 25 at 1:30 PM.  Tickets are on sale now and may be purchased either at the door or online by visiting wlhs.ludus.com.  The cost is $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for children (through 8th grade).  This is a socially distant event.  Masks that follow CDC guidelines for Covid-19 protection are required before, during and after the event.
VIKING EXPLORER SUMMER CAMPS:  The WLHS family would like to welcome you to the Viking Explorers Summer Camps. Our offerings are designed to give you a chance to grow and experience a wide variety of activities and interests in a Christian setting. If you have any questions about our camps, you can contact the camp director (contact information is listed on each camp’s page). Additionally, you can contact coordinator Mr. Blair Schaper at 414-453-4567 ext 1326 or at blair.schaper@wlhs.org.  Questions about registration for camps can be directed to WLHS Central Office at 414-453-4567. We look forward to seeing you at Wisconsin Lutheran High School this summer!
March 31-April 6 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek
April 7-13 – TEAM #1 – Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee



First Lesson          Zechariah 9:9-10
Second Lesson     Philippians 2:5-11
Gospel Lesson      Mark 11:1-10
Psalm                     118
Hymns                  341, 133, “All Glory, Laud and Honor” (Koine), 370
RESURRECTION EGGS:  After Palm Sunday services this weekend, families (and grandparents!) are invited to take a set of Resurrection Eggs home for family devotions.  Open each egg to find the surprise inside – a symbol of Jesus’ journey to the cross.   These eggs are geared toward families with younger children, up to about age 12.

GRADES 2-4 SINGING:  Grades 2-4 have videotaped a special song that will be shared this Sunday during our Palm Sunday services!
            March 28 – Palm Sunday: regular worship schedule
            April 1 – Maundy Thursday:  3:30 PM and 6:30 PM
            April 2 – Good Friday:  1:00 PM and 6:30 PM (Tenebrae)
            April 4 – Easter Sunday:  6:00 AM (Sunrise), 8:30 AM (Festival) and 10:30 AM (Festival)

THANK YOU:  Thank you to Heritage Funeral Homes for the donation of the Palm plants for this Sunday’s services!
BAPTISM:  On Saturday, March 27th, Lily Anna Hettel will be received into God’s kingdom through holy baptism.  Lily is the daughter of Mike & Katie Hettel.  Serving as her godparents are Jordan Loeck and Emma Loeck.  May the Lord bless this family as they grow together in Christ.
LWMS DOOR COLLECTION:  Last Sunday we held a door collection to support the ministry of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society (LWMS).  We collected $479.00.  Thank you for your support!
NO BIBLE CLASS:  There will be no Adult Bible class next Sunday, April 4th (Easter Sunday), or the following Sunday, April 11th.  We will resume class on Sunday, April 18th.
CALL RETURNED:  Dear Members of St. Paul’s, I am writing to inform you of my decision on the divine call you have extended to me.  Over the past several weeks I have found it both encouraging and challenging to look at two different ministries and see the blessings and challenges of both. After much prayer and contemplation I have decided to return the call to serve you at St. Paul’s.  Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. Your ministry has been richly blessed with loving and servant hearted workers with whom I had the privilege of discussing your ministry, as well as many who love and support the work you continue to do.  I pray our God would clear the way for a servant to come to you. May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone.  In His Service, Phil Stuebs
VOLUNTEER REQUEST:  We are looking for support with lawn care at the Church's cemetery, which is located one block east of 51st and College.  Lot size is roughly 2.5 acres and we have shed on site with 1 riding lawnmower and 1 walk behind.  Ideally, we are looking for enough volunteers so we can limit your time to once a month.  If you are looking to volunteer your time or you just love cutting grass please reach out to Jeff Graetz at 414-748-2656 or email at maintenance@stpaulsfranklin.org.
ALL INVITED TO ROLLER SKATE!: St. Paul's congregation is invited by the Milwaukee District of Lutheran Girl Pioneers to its annual roller skating party at Incredi-Roll, 10928 W. Oklahoma Ave., Milwaukee, on Tuesday, April 6 from 6-8p.m. This is a private event for Girl Pioneers, their families, friends and congregations. Everyone is invited! The cost is $7.00 per person which includes skate rental. The maximum number allowed due to CDC guidelines is 125, and everyone must wear a mask. The bouncy house and laser tag game are unavailable, but their concession stand will be open, along with the video games. Round up your friends for a fun night of roller skating!
25TH ANNUAL WLHS DINNER AUCTION:  WLHS is excited to offer both in-person and virtual admission to the 25th annual Dinner Auction on Saturday, April 17, at 6:00 p.m. This year's event, "Empowered by Faith," will feature an online silent and live auction, whiskey and wine pulls, and student performances. Virtual registration includes a Grubhub egift card and free access to the event online. The in-person event will follow Milwaukee safety protocols. For more information, visit wlhs.org/events. Join the WLHS Online Auction Facebook Group for additional updates!
VIKING EXPLORER SUMMER CAMPS:  The WLHS family would like to welcome you to the Viking Explorers Summer Camps. Our offerings are designed to give you a chance to grow and experience a wide variety of activities and interests in a Christian setting. If you have any questions about our camps, you can contact the camp director (contact information is listed on each camp’s page). Additionally, you can contact coordinator Mr. Blair Schaper at 414-453-4567 ext 1326 or at blair.schaper@wlhs.org.  Questions about registration for camps can be directed to WLHS Central Office at 414-453-4567. We look forward to seeing you at Wisconsin Lutheran High School this summer!
WLHS JOB OPENING:   Wisconsin Lutheran High School is looking for a strength & conditioning coach. Other duties will be added to make this a full-time position. Applicants must be a member in good standing of a WELS or ELS congregation. This position requires a certification as a CSCS through NSCA, USAW Level 1 or equivalent. Submit a resume to Becky Glass at hr@wlhs.org.
March 24-30 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek
March 31-April 6 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek


:  Thank you to Pastor Wayne Shevey for sharing God’s word with us this Sunday!

BAPTISMS:  Sunday after the 10:30 AM service Harvey Hall and Greyson Mierow will be received into God’s kingdom through holy baptism.  Harvey and Greyson are the sons of Brandon and Stephanie Hall.  Serving as their godparents are Joe Campbell and Mellisa Campbell.  May the Lord bless this family as they grow together in Christ.
CHRISTIAN FUNERAL:  The Lord called Lois Ninnemann to her heavenly home on Saturday, March 13th.  Visitation will be held on Monday, March 22nd from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at Heritage Funeral Home, 9200 S. 27th St., Oak Creek, followed by the service at 6:00 p.m.  “Then I heard a voice from heaven say, "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them." (Revelation 14:13)
LWMS DOOR COLLECTION:  This Sunday, March 21st, we are having annual door collection to support the ministry of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society (LWMS). For more information on the work of LWMS, visit their website: http://www.lwms.org. They thank you for your support.
EASTER FLOWER ORDER:  Below is a list of flowers that are available to order for Easter:
            •    Easter Lillies - $8.00 each
            •    Tulips - $7.50 each (Red, Orange, Pink, Yellow and Purple)
            •    Hyacinth - $7.50 each (Pink and Blue)
            •    Chrysanthemum – $8.50 each (White, Yellow and Lavender)
The deadline to order is this Sunday!  Envelopes are in the narthex to place your order.  New this year due to Covid, if you are not attending in person, please call (414) 425-1158 to place your order.  Checks should be made out to Sharon Kiesow and put in church mailbox, or in basket in narthex.  If you are a school parent, you can also drop your order off in the school office.  Thank you!
EGG CARTONS:  We need your egg cartons for a special project!  Please drop them off in the narthex in the box labeled, “Egg Cartons” by this Friday, March 26th!
MIDWEEK LENT 2021:  The theme of this Lenten season is “The Road to Redemption”.  Sin came into this world as Adam and Eve fell into sin.  Yet, God did not leave mankind to be lost in sin forever.  He gave them a promise – A promise of a Savior.  As mankind traveled that Road to Redemption, God gave glimpses of that Savior in the events of the Old Testament.  In our Midweek services this year, we will take a look at some of those Old Testament texts that mark the Road to Redemption.  We will see how those texts also help to illuminate portions of the Passion History.  The schedule for these midweek services is below.
Midweek Lent 6 – March 24 – “From King to King (Pilate)” (Pastor Gaertner)
The times of the services are 3:30 and 6:30 pm. Please join us.
            March 28 – Palm Sunday: regular worship schedule
            April 1 – Maundy Thursday:  3:30 PM and 6:30 PM
            April 2 – Good Friday:  1:00 PM and 6:30 PM (Tenebrae)
            April 4 – Easter Sunday:  6:00 AM (Sunrise), 8:30 AM (Festival) and 10:30 AM (Festival)
I CAN HELP: At St. Paul’s we are able to help serve families through our school.  One of those ways is through our After Care program.  We have individuals who care and watch over those children until their parents are able to pick them up.  Sometimes things in life come up and we are in need of a “sub” for the 3-6pm After Care.  Would you be willing to be contacted, with no obligation to say yes?  Please let us know.  You must be over 18 and submit to a background check.  Please contact the school office or Principal Schulmeister.
VOLUNTEER REQUEST:  We are looking for support with lawn care at the Church's cemetery, which is located one block east of 51st and College.  Lot size is roughly 2.5 acres and we have shed on site with 1 riding lawnmower and 1 walk behind.  Ideally, we are looking for enough volunteers so we can limit your time to once a month.  If you are looking to volunteer your time or you just love cutting grass please reach out to Jeff Graetz at 414-748-2656 or email at maintenance@stpaulsfranklin.org.
ALL INVITED TO ROLLER SKATE!: St. Paul's congregation is invited by the Milwaukee District of Lutheran Girl Pioneers to its annual roller skating party at Incredi-Roll, 10928 W. Oklahoma Ave., Milwaukee, on Tuesday, April 6 from 6-8p.m. This is a private event for Girl Pioneers, their families, friends and congregations. Everyone is invited! The cost is $7.00 per person which includes skate rental. The maximum number allowed due to CDC guidelines is 125, and everyone must wear a mask. The bouncy house and laser tag game are unavailable, but their concession stand will be open, along with the video games. Round up your friends for a fun night of roller skating!
25TH ANNUAL WLHS DINNER AUCTION:  WLHS is excited to offer both in-person and virtual admission to the 25th annual Dinner Auction on Saturday, April 17, at 6:00 p.m. This year's event, "Empowered by Faith," will feature an online silent and live auction, whiskey and wine pulls, and student performances. Virtual registration includes a Grubhub egift card and free access to the event online. The in-person event will follow Milwaukee safety protocols. For more information, visit wlhs.org/events. Join the WLHS Online Auction Facebook Group for additional updates!
VIKING EXPLORER SUMMER CAMPS:  The WLHS family would like to welcome you to the Viking Explorers Summer Camps. Our offerings are designed to give you a chance to grow and experience a wide variety of activities and interests in a Christian setting. If you have any questions about our camps, you can contact the camp director (contact information is listed on each camp’s page). Additionally, you can contact coordinator Mr. Blair Schaper at 414-453-4567 ext 1326 or at blair.schaper@wlhs.org.  Questions about registration for camps can be directed to WLHS Central Office at 414-453-4567. We look forward to seeing you at Wisconsin Lutheran High School this summer!  CLICK HERE to go to our online page.
WLHS JOB OPENING:   Wisconsin Lutheran High School is looking for a strength & conditioning coach. Other duties will be added to make this a full-time position. Applicants must be a member in good standing of a WELS or ELS congregation. This position requires a certification as a CSCS through NSCA, USAW Level 1 or equivalent. Submit a resume to Becky Glass at hr@wlhs.org.
“JESUS THROUGH MIDDLE EASTERN EYES” SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS:  We have begun a new Bible Study using a book named: “Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes.” The author of the book helps us to better understand Jesus and his parables in light of the culture of the Middle East. He helps us to see Jesus in the light of his actual historical and cultural setting. We will be looking at some of the parables of Jesus. We meet in the church beginning at 9:15 am. Please come and join us.
March 17-23 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer
March 24-30 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek


EASTER FLOWER ORDER:  Below is a list of flowers that are available to order for Easter:
            •    Easter Lillies - $8.00 each
            •    Tulips - $7.50 each (Red, Orange, Pink, Yellow and Purple)
            •    Hyacinth - $7.50 each (Pink and Blue)
            •    Chrysanthemum – $8.50 each (White, Yellow and Lavender)
Please order early to guarantee your color choice!  The deadline to order is next Sunday, March 21st.  Envelopes are in the narthex to place your order.  New this year due to Covid, if you are not attending in person, please call (414) 425-1158 to place your order.  Checks should be made out to Sharon Kiesow and put in church mailbox, or in basket in narthex.  If you are a school parent, you can also drop your order off in the school office.  Thank you!
MIDWEEK LENT 2021:  The theme of this Lenten season is “The Road to Redemption”.  Sin came into this world as Adam and Eve fell into sin.  Yet, God did not leave mankind to be lost in sin forever.  He gave them a promise – A promise of a Savior.  As mankind traveled that Road to Redemption, God gave glimpses of that Savior in the events of the Old Testament.  In our Midweek services this year, we will take a look at some of those Old Testament texts that mark the Road to Redemption.  We will see how those texts also help to illuminate portions of the Passion History.  The schedule for these midweek services is below.
Midweek Lent 5 – March 17 – “From Seal to Seal (Death/Burial)” (Pastor Unnasch)
Midweek Lent 6 – March 24 – “From King to King (Pilate)” (Pastor Gaertner)
The times of the services are 3:30 and 6:30 pm. Please join us.
            March 28 – Palm Sunday: regular worship schedule
            April 1 – Maundy Thursday:  3:30 PM and 6:30 PM
            April 2 – Good Friday:  1:00 PM and 6:30 PM (Tenebrae)
            April 4 – Easter Sunday:  6:00 AM (Sunrise), 8:30 AM (Festival) and 10:30 AM (Festival)
LWMS DOOR COLLECTION:  Next Sunday, March 21st, we are having annual door collection to support the ministry of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society (LWMS). For more information on the work of LWMS, visit their website: http://www.lwms.org. They thank you for your support.
I CAN HELP: At St. Paul’s we are able to help serve families through our school.  One of those ways is through our After Care program.  We have individuals who care and watch over those children until their parents are able to pick them up.  Sometimes things in life come up and we are in need of a “sub” for the 3-6pm After Care.  Would you be willing to be contacted, with no obligation to say yes?  Please let us know.  You must be over 18 and submit to a background check.  Please contact the school office or Principal Schulmeister.
VOLUNTEER REQUEST:  We are looking for support with lawn care at the Church's cemetery, which is located one block east of 51st and College.  Lot size is roughly 2.5 acres and we have shed on site with 1 riding lawnmower and 1 walk behind.  Ideally, we are looking for enough volunteers so we can limit your time to once a month.  If you are looking to volunteer your time or you just love cutting grass please reach out to Jeff Graetz at 414-748-2656 or email at maintenance@stpaulsfranklin.org.
ALL INVITED TO ROLLER SKATE!: St. Paul's congregation is invited by the Milwaukee District of Lutheran Girl Pioneers to its annual roller skating party at Incredi-Roll, 10928 W. Oklahoma Ave., Milwaukee, on Tuesday, April 6 from 6-8p.m. This is a private event for Girl Pioneers, their families, friends and congregations. Everyone is invited! The cost is $7.00 per person which includes skate rental. The maximum number allowed due to CDC guidelines is 125, and everyone must wear a mask. The bouncy house and laser tag game are unavailable, but their concession stand will be open, along with the video games. Round up your friends for a fun night of roller skating!
“JESUS THROUGH MIDDLE EASTERN EYES” SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS:  We have begun a new Bible Study using a book named: “Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes.” The author of the book helps us to better understand Jesus and his parables in light of the culture of the Middle East. He helps us to see Jesus in the light of his actual historical and cultural setting. We will be looking at some of the parables of Jesus. We meet in the church beginning at 9:15 am. Please come and join us.
March 10-16 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer
March 17-23 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer


:  This Sunday’s altar flowers are given by Steve & Qiong Melching in thanksgiving for their 24th wedding anniversary.
BAPTISM:  On Saturday, March 6th, Olivia Ryan Bolda will be received into God’s kingdom through holy baptism.  Olivia is daughter of Jacob & Amy Bolda.  Serving as her godparents are Kaleb Buch and Kayla Bolda.  Serving as her sponsor is Rebecca Claus.  May the Lord bless this family as they grow together in Christ.
PASTOR CALL:  At our last call meeting our voting members of the congregation called Pastor Joshua Becker, now serving at Christ Ev. Lutheran Church in Saginaw, Michigan.  We received this letter from Pastor Becker:  Dear Members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, We again find ourselves making our annual journey with Jesus to his cross and the empty tomb.  What a privilege we have to be reminded and encouraged by our Savior’s sacrifice that has given us triumph over sin, Satan, death, and hell.  The work of Jesus that we celebrate during this season of Lent is the very heart of our hope and joy as Christians.  This past week you extended a call to me to proclaim this work of our Savior to you as your pastor.  I am humbled at the opportunity to consider your call and my current call to serve your brothers and sisters in the faith at Christ Lutheran Church in Saginaw.  Both of these calls are ultimately from our Lord Jesus through his church.  For that reason I would ask you to join me and the saints here at Christ Lutheran Church in prayer over this matter.  Ask the Lord for wisdom and his blessing as I make this decision.  I look forward to becoming more familiar with your ministry as I communicate with the leaders of your congregation to seek their wisdom in my deliberations.  I also invite any of the members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church to feel free to contact me (e-mail: joshua_j_becker@yahoo.com; cell: 989-780-3178).  May the Lord continue to bless your labor in his name.  In Christ, Pastor Joshua Becker
UPPER GRADE TEACHER CALL:  At our last call meeting our voting members of the congregation called Mr. Philip Stuebs to teach in the upper grades.  We received this letter from Mr. Stuebs:  Brothers and Sisters of St. Paul’s, I have received your call to teach in the upper grades. I am excited to hear from you and learn more about the ministry at St. Paul’s. My family and I ask for your prayers as we consider both ministries and where the Lord would best have me serve.  Lord’s Richest Blessings to you as we look forward to the risen Savior. In Christ, Phil Stuebs -- Mr. Stuebs can be reached at (920) 860-9241 or by email at pstuebs@stjohnstjames.com.
WLHS INSPIRATION: This coming Wednesday, March 10, the choir called “Inspiration” from Wisconsin Lutheran High School will be joining us for worship in our Midweek Lent Service. They are a vocal group which sings Christian contemporary vocal music. Recently, their schedule had an opening for this coming Wednesday, which is why it is being announced with short notice. They will be performing both at the 3:30 pm and 6:30 pm service. They are a smaller group and will perform wearing masks and maintaining distancing guidelines. There will be limited congregation singing in the services. We will also continue to follow the COVID guidelines that we have in place in the sanctuary. The service will be posted online later that night.
MIDWEEK LENT 2021:  The theme of this Lenten season is “The Road to Redemption”.  Sin came into this world as Adam and Eve fell into sin.  Yet, God did not leave mankind to be lost in sin forever.  He gave them a promise – A promise of a Savior.  As mankind traveled that Road to Redemption, God gave glimpses of that Savior in the events of the Old Testament.  In our Midweek services this year, we will take a look at some of those Old Testament texts that mark the Road to Redemption.  We will see how those texts also help to illuminate portions of the Passion History.  The schedule for these midweek services is below.
Midweek Lent 4 – March 10 – “From Pole to Pole (Crucifixion)” (Pastor Adams)
Midweek Lent 5 – March 17 – “From Seal to Seal (Death/Burial)” (Pastor Unnasch)
Midweek Lent 6 – March 24 – “From King to King (Pilate)” (Pastor Gaertner)
The times of the services are 3:30 and 6:30 pm. Please join us.
VOLUNTEER REQUEST:  We are looking for support with lawn care at the Church's cemetery, which is located one block east of 51st and College.  Lot size is roughly 2.5 acres and we have shed on site with 1 riding lawnmower and 1 walk behind.  Ideally, we are looking for enough volunteers so we can limit your time to once a month.  If you are looking to volunteer your time or you just love cutting grass please reach out to Jeff Graetz at 414-748-2656 or email at maintenance@stpaulsfranklin.org.
LWMS SPRING RALLY CANCELLED:  Due to Covid concerns for our membership, the Milwaukee Metro South Circuit of the LWMS has cancelled its Spring Rally that was scheduled to take place Saturday, April 24 at Woodlawn Lutheran Church in West Allis. Mission offerings will still be collected in your congregation and ballots will be cast for board officer positions. For more information, contact your church’s LWMS Reporter.
EASTER FLOWER ORDER:  Below is a list of flowers that are available to order for Easter:
            •    Easter Lillies - $8.00 each
            •    Tulips - $7.50 each (Red, Orange, Pink, Yellow and Purple)
            •    Hyacinth - $7.50 each (Pink and Blue)
            •    Chrysanthemum – $8.50 each (White, Yellow and Lavender)
Please order early to guarantee your color choice!  The deadline to order is Sunday, March 21st.  Envelopes will be placed in the narthex to place your order.  New this year due to Covid, if you are not attending in person, please call (414) 425-1158 to place your order.  Checks should be made out to Sharon Kiesow and put in church mailbox, or in basket in narthex.  If you are a school parent, you can also drop your order off in the school office.  Thank you!
“JESUS THROUGH MIDDLE EASTERN EYES” SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS:  We have begun a new Bible Study using a book named: “Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes.” The author of the book helps us to better understand Jesus and his parables in light of the culture of the Middle East. He helps us to see Jesus in the light of his actual historical and cultural setting. We will be looking at some of the parables of Jesus. We meet in the church beginning at 9:15 am. Please come and join us.
March 3-9 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh
March 10-16 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer


:  Mrs. Nancy Willms, our Junior Kindergarten teacher has announced her retirement!  She writes in part, “I will complete my 26 years at St. Paul’s at the end of this school year (2020-2021).  Thank you for the opportunity you gave me to work with young children for all these years.  I am grateful to have had the chance to share the love of Jesus with his little ones.  It has been a privilege to serve St. Paul’s congregation.  I ask for your encouragement and prayers as Mr. Willms and I look towards our retirement years.  Sincerely, Mrs. Nancy Willms.”   We wish God’s blessings on retirement for Mr. & Mrs. Willms, are thankful for all their years of dedicated service to St. Paul’s!
MIDWEEK LENT 2021:  The theme of this Lenten season is “The Road to Redemption”.  Sin came into this world as Adam and Eve fell into sin.  Yet, God did not leave mankind to be lost in sin forever.  He gave them a promise – A promise of a Savior.  As mankind traveled that Road to Redemption, God gave glimpses of that Savior in the events of the Old Testament.  In our Midweek services this year, we will take a look at some of those Old Testament texts that mark the Road to Redemption.  We will see how those texts also help to illuminate portions of the Passion History.  The schedule for these midweek services is below.
Midweek Lent 3 – March 3 – “From Lamb to Lamb (Upper Room)” (Pastor Marshall)
Midweek Lent 4 – March 10 – “From Pole to Pole (Crucifixion)” (Pastor Adams)
Midweek Lent 5 – March 17 – “From Seal to Seal (Death/Burial)” (Pastor Unnasch)
Midweek Lent 6 – March 24 – “From King to King (Pilate)” (Pastor Gaertner)
The times of the services are 3:30 and 6:30 pm. Please join us.
LWMS SPRING RALLY CANCELLED:  Due to Covid concerns for our membership, the Milwaukee Metro South Circuit of the LWMS has cancelled its Spring Rally that was scheduled to take place Saturday, April 24 at Woodlawn Lutheran Church in West Allis. Mission offerings will still be collected in your congregation and ballots will be cast for board officer positions. For more information, contact your church’s LWMS Reporter.
EASTER FLOWER ORDER:  Below is a list of flowers that are available to order for Easter:
            •    Easter Lillies - $8.00 each
            •    Tulips - $7.50 each (Red, Orange, Pink, Yellow and Purple)
            •    Hyacinth - $7.50 each (Pink and Blue)
            •    Chrysanthemum – $8.50 each (White, Yellow and Lavender)
Please order early to guarantee your color choice!  The deadline to order is Sunday, March 21st.  Envelopes will be placed in the narthex to place your order.  New this year due to Covid, if you are not attending in person, please call (414) 425-1158 to place your order.  Checks should be made out to Sharon Kiesow and put in church mailbox, or in basket in narthex.  If you are a school parent, you can also drop your order off in the school office.  Thank you!
“JESUS THROUGH MIDDLE EASTERN EYES” SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS:  We have begun a new Bible Study using a book named: “Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes.” The author of the book helps us to better understand Jesus and his parables in light of the culture of the Middle East. He helps us to see Jesus in the light of his actual historical and cultural setting. We will be looking at some of the parables of Jesus. We meet in the church beginning at 9:15 am. Please come and join us.
WLHS JOB OPENING:  Wisconsin Lutheran High School is looking for part-time staff to supervise and provide care for a globally diverse group of teenagers in our student residential facility at Honey Creek Hall. Resident and non-resident positions are available, for individuals or married couples, at any stage of professional or post-professional life. Duties include working evening and weekend shifts 2-3 days each week. Experience working in an educational or residential setting with international students is preferred, and candidates must be members in good standing of the WELS or ELS. Submit a resume to Becky Glass at hr@wlhs.org.
4TH & 6TH GRADE MAKE A SPLASH!  Wisconsin Lutheran High School invites both 4th and 6th grade students to a fun evening of waterslides and swimming at Springs Waterpark Hotel in Pewaukee, on Monday, March 15. The pool is open from 4:30-8:00 p.m. with a parent welcome at 5:45 p.m. There is no cost, however at least one parent must attend with their child. WLHS and the hotel will observe COVID safety guidelines in holding this event. RSVP by going to www.wlhs.org/splash.
Feb 24-March 2 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh
March 3-9 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh


:  Thank you to Seminary student, Matthew Zeng, for sharing God’s word with us today!
NO BIBLE CLASS:  There will be no bible class this, Sunday, February 21st.  Class will resume next Sunday, February 28th.
CHRISTIAN FUNERAL:  The Lord called Mr. Bob Goelz to his heavenly home on Tuesday, February 16th.  Visitation will be held on Monday, February 22nd from 3:00-6:00 p.m. at Heritage Funeral Homes, 9200 S. 27th St., Oak Creek, WI, followed by a devotional service.   A Christian funeral service will be held here at St. Paul’s on Tuesday, February 23rd.  Visitation will begin at 10:00 a.m., and the service will begin at 11:00 a.m.  “Then I heard a voice from heaven say, "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them." (Revelation 14:13)
ANNOUNCEMENT:  Dear Members of St. Paul’s, After having served in the teaching ministry of the WELS for 42 years, the last 37 of which have been here at St. Paul’s, I plan on retiring at the conclusion of this school year (2020-2021).  I have enjoyed working with my various colleagues over the years, but especially the children under my care.  I will miss the lessons in math, social studies, science, etc.  But I will especially miss the daily sharing of God’s precious Word with the lambs you have entrusted to my care over the past many years.  I ask for your prayers for Mrs. Willms and me as I go forward in my retirement years in whatever our gracious Lord has planned.  Your servant in Christ, Mr. Randall L. Willms
MIDWEEK LENT 2021:  The theme of this Lenten season is “The Road to Redemption”.  Sin came into this world as Adam and Eve fell into sin.  Yet, God did not leave mankind to be lost in sin forever.  He gave them a promise – A promise of a Savior.  As mankind traveled that Road to Redemption, God gave glimpses of that Savior in the events of the Old Testament.  In our Midweek services this year, we will take a look at some of those Old Testament texts that mark the Road to Redemption.  We will see how those texts also help to illuminate portions of the Passion History.  The schedule for these midweek services is below.
Midweek Lent 2 – February 24 – “From Silence to Silence (Trial, Council)” (Pastor Unnasch)
Midweek Lent 3 – March 3 – “From Lamb to Lamb (Upper Room)” (Pastor Marshall)
Midweek Lent 4 – March 10 – “From Pole to Pole (Crucifixion)” (Pastor Adams)
Midweek Lent 5 – March 17 – “From Seal to Seal (Death/Burial)” (Pastor Unnasch)
Midweek Lent 6 – March 24 – “From King to King (Pilate)” (Pastor Gaertner)
The times of the services are 3:30 and 6:30 pm. Please join us.
NEXT PASTOR CALL MEETING:  At our last Church Council Meeting, the date was set for the next Pastor Call Meeting. That meeting will happen on Wednesday, February 24 following the Midweek Lent Worship service at 6:30 pm. That meeting will start around 7:15 – 7:30 pm. There will once again be a list of names provided by our District President from which the congregation will issue a Divine Call to be an Associate Pastor here at St. Paul’s.
The question has also been asked: Would we consider requesting a Graduate from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary to be assigned to St. Paul’s in May? Our District President has communicated to us that “Last year there were sixty requests, and we had thirty graduates. This year it looks like there are twenty-eight graduates. My guess is that there might be a few more requests this year, but we have no idea yet. The application information has not been sent out yet, but the deadline will be around May 1. It is most natural to look at "solo" pastorates first, but there are always associates assigned, as well. I encourage every congregation which would like consideration for a graduate to apply for one, because, for one thing, you never know what the Lord might work out, and, secondly, so that our church body can get a more accurate read on how many congregations would be able to use a seminary graduate.” Therefore, the Church Council is asking the congregation for authorization to make that request of the Assignment Committee if the pastoral vacancy continues.
Also, as Mr. Randy Willms is retiring at the end of this school year, we are looking to call a teacher to fill the vacancy beginning next school year.  The leadership of the Congregation would like to call a teacher to teach in the upper grades – primarily with the 7th and 8th Grade Classes.  Mr. Clough has agreed to serve in the 5th  and 6th grade as the primary teacher after this school year.  The call would be for a teacher to serve the upper grades in coordination with Mr. Schulmeister and Mr. Clough, as needed.  We are requesting for this person to be able to aid the congregation as an organist, and this person would be available as a coach for extracurricular activities in the school.  This meeting to approve a call would be at the same meeting for the pastoral call on Wednesday, February 24. 
EASTER FLOWER ORDER:  Below is a list of flowers that are available to order for Easter:
            •    Easter Lillies - $8.00 each
            •    Tulips - $7.50 each (Red, Orange, Pink, Yellow and Purple)
            •    Hyacinth - $7.50 each (Pink and Blue)
            •    Chrysanthemum – $8.50 each (White, Yellow and Lavender)
Please order early to guarantee your color choice!  The deadline to order is Sunday, March 21st.  Envelopes will be placed in the narthex to place your order.  New this year due to Covid, if you are not attending in person, please call (414) 425-1158 to place your order.  Checks should be made out to Sharon Kiesow and put in church mailbox, or in basket in narthex.  If you are a school parent, you can also drop your order off in the school office.  Thank you!
“JESUS THROUGH MIDDLE EASTERN EYES” SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS:  We have begun a new Bible Study using a book named: “Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes.” The author of the book helps us to better understand Jesus and his parables in light of the culture of the Middle East. He helps us to see Jesus in the light of his actual historical and cultural setting. We will be looking at some of the parables of Jesus. We meet in the church beginning at 9:15 am. Please come and join us.
Feb 17-23 – TEAM #1 – Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee
Feb 24-March 2 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh


The theme of this Lenten season is “The Road to Redemption”.  Sin came into this world as Adam and Eve fell into sin.  Yet, God did not leave mankind to be lost in sin forever.  He gave them a promise – A promise of a Savior.  As mankind traveled that Road to Redemption, God gave glimpses of that Savior in the events of the Old Testament.  In our Midweek services this year, we will take a look at some of those Old Testament texts that mark the Road to Redemption.  We will see how those texts also help to illuminate portions of the Passion History.  The schedule for these midweek services is below.
Ash Wednesday – February 17 – “From Garden to Garden (Gethsemane)” (Pastor Shevey)
Midweek Lent 2 – February 24 – “From Silence to Silence (Trial, Council)” (Pastor Unnasch)
Midweek Lent 3 – March 3 – “From Lamb to Lamb (Upper Room)” (Pastor Marshall)
Midweek Lent 4 – March 10 – “From Pole to Pole (Crucifixion)” (Pastor Adams)
Midweek Lent 5 – March 17 – “From Seal to Seal (Death/Burial)” (Pastor Unnasch)
Midweek Lent 6 – March 24 – “From King to King (Pilate)” (Pastor Gaertner)
The times of the services are 3:30 and 6:30 pm. Please join us.
NEXT PASTOR CALL MEETING: Last Tuesday at our Church Council Meeting, the date was set for the next Pastor Call Meeting. That meeting will happen on Wednesday, February 24 following the Midweek Lent Worship service at 6:30 pm. That meeting will start around 7:15 – 7:30 pm. There will once again be a list of names provided by our District President from which the congregation will issue a Divine Call to be an Associate Pastor here at St. Paul’s.
The question has also been asked: Would we consider requesting a Graduate from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary to be assigned to St. Paul’s in May? Our District President has communicated to us that “Last year there were sixty requests, and we had thirty graduates. This year it looks like there are twenty-eight graduates. My guess is that there might be a few more requests this year, but we have no idea yet. The application information has not been sent out yet, but the deadline will be around May 1. It is most natural to look at "solo" pastorates first, but there are always associates assigned, as well. I encourage every congregation which would like consideration for a graduate to apply for one, because, for one thing, you never know what the Lord might work out, and, secondly, so that our church body can get a more accurate read on how many congregations would be able to use a seminary graduate.” Therefore, the Church Council is asking the congregation for authorization to make that request of the Assignment Committee if the pastoral vacancy continues.
“JESUS THROUGH MIDDLE EASTERN EYES” SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS:  We have begun a new Bible Study using a book named: “Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes.” The author of the book helps us to better understand Jesus and his parables in light of the culture of the Middle East. He helps us to see Jesus in the light of his actual historical and cultural setting. We will be looking at some of the parables of Jesus. We meet in the church beginning at 9:15 am. Please come and join us.
NO BIBLE CLASS:  There will be no bible class next Sunday, February 21st
Feb 10-16 – TEAM #1 – Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee
Feb 17-23 – TEAM #1 – Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee


:  Thank you to Kristal & Noelle Young for playing the violin for our pre-service music this Sunday!
“JESUS THROUGH MIDDLE EASTERN EYES” SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS:  We will begin a new Bible Study using a book named: “Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes.” The author of the book helps us to better understand Jesus and his parables in light of the culture of the Middle East. He helps us to see Jesus in the light of his actual historical and cultural setting. We will be looking at some of the parables of Jesus. We meet in the church beginning at 9:15 am. Please come and join us.
MEDITATIONS/FORWARD IN CHRIST RENEWALS:  Sunday is the deadline to renew! If you would like to order/renew either subscription, please sign up by Sunday.   Please note, all subscriptions will be delivered to your home.  Payment is due at sign up.  If you are not attending in person at this time but would like to renew, please contact the office.
2020 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS:  The 2020 contribution statements are available in your church mailboxes.  If you are not attending in person at this time and would like your statement sent via U.S. mail or emailed to you, please contact the office.
2021 OFFERING ENVELOPES:  The 2021 offering envelopes are available in the church narthex.  If you don’t see a set with your name on it, please let us know!   Children's envelopes are also available.  Children’s envelopes are issued to children ages 4 and up.  If you would like your younger child to have a set, please give the office a call!
Feb 3-9 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek
Feb 10-16 – TEAM #1 – Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee


Dear Pastor Adams and Members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, After careful and prayerful consideration, I have decided to decline the call to serve St. Paul’s congregation as Associate Pastor. I am grateful to God for having blessed me with this opportunity to learn more about the ministry there in Franklin and to consider the gifts he has given me and where they can be best used to serve him and further the growth of his kingdom. I have enjoyed hearing from your leaders about the work God has given you to do. I am confident that God will provide for the ministry there out of his infinite goodness and according to his perfect timing.  Thank you for your prayers and your input. I and my family will keep your congregation in our prayers and will continue to rejoice with you in the privilege of belonging to and serving in God’s kingdom. “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore.” (Psalm 125:1-2) Your brother in Christ, Pastor Ethan Cherney
“JESUS THROUGH MIDDLE EASTERN EYES” SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS:  We will begin a new Bible Study using a book named: “Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes.” The author of the book helps us to better understand Jesus and his parables in light of the culture of the Middle East. He helps us to see Jesus in the light of his actual historical and cultural setting. We will be looking at some of the parables of Jesus. We meet in the church beginning at 9:15 am. Please come and join us.
2020 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS:  The 2020 contribution statements are available in your church mailboxes.  If you are not attending in person at this time and would like your statement sent via U.S. mail or emailed to you, please contact the office.
2021 OFFERING ENVELOPES:  The 2021 offering envelopes are available in the church narthex.  If you don’t see a set with your name on it, please let us know!   Children's envelopes are also available.  Children’s envelopes are issued to children ages 4 and up.  If you would like your younger child to have a set, please give the office a call!
CAMP PHILLIP SUMMER CAMPS:  Registration is underway for Camp Phillip summer camps for Grades K5-8!  Take a look at the options at www.campphillip.com.  There is no printed brochure this year – all camps and descriptions are online, as well as registration.
MEDITATIONS/FORWARD IN CHRIST RENEWALS:  It’s time to renew!  If you would like to order/renew either subscription, please sign up by Sunday, February 7th.   Please note, all subscriptions will be delivered to your home.  Payment is due at sign up.  If you are not attending in person at this time but would like to renew, please contact the office.
Jan 27-Feb 2 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek
Feb 3-9 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek


:  This Sunday’s altar flowers are given in loving memory of Londyn House.
CALL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:  Dear Pastor Adams and members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, I was informed on Wednesday, January 13th, of the decision by your voters’ assembly to extend to me a call to serve your congregation as your pastor.  Thank you for the confidence you have already placed in me by asking me to deliberate this call. I thank God that I may already call you my brothers and sisters in the faith. I am looking forward to finding out more about the ministry God has given you to do in Franklin and exploring the potential for my participation in it.  Along with your prayers for me as I deliberate, please also share with me your insights so that I may make my decision.  To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen. (Jude 24-25)  God bless us all!  Your servant in Christ, Pastor Ethan Cherney
*Pastor Cherney can be reached by email at eccherney@gmail.com or cell phone at (920) 328-5187.
“JESUS THROUGH MIDDLE EASTERN EYES” SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS:  We will begin a new Bible Study using a book named: “Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes.” The author of the book helps us to better understand Jesus and his parables in light of the culture of the Middle East. He helps us to see Jesus in the light of his actual historical and cultural setting. We will be looking at some of the parables of Jesus. We meet in the church beginning at 9:15 am. Please come and join us.
2020 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS:  The 2020 contribution statements are available in your church mailboxes.  If you are not attending in person at this time and would like your statement sent via U.S. mail or emailed to you, please contact the office.
2021 OFFERING ENVELOPES:  The 2021 offering envelopes are available in the church narthex.  If you don’t see a set with your name on it, please let us know!   Children's envelopes are also available.  Children’s envelopes are issued to children ages 4 and up.  If you would like your younger child to have a set, please give the office a call!
CAMP PHILLIP SUMMER CAMPS:  Registration is underway for Camp Phillip summer camps for Grades K5-8!  Take a look at the options at www.campphillip.com.  There is no printed brochure this year – all camps and descriptions are online, as well as registration.
MEDITATIONS/FORWARD IN CHRIST RENEWALS:  It’s time to renew!  If you would like to order/renew either subscription, please sign up by Sunday, February 7th.   Please note, all subscriptions will be delivered to your home.  Payment is due at sign up.  If you are not attending in person at this time but would like to renew, please contact the office.
Jan 20-26 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer
Jan 27-Feb 2 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek


Dear Pastor Adams and members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, I was informed on Wednesday, January 13th, of the decision by your voters’ assembly to extend to me a call to serve your congregation as your pastor.  Thank you for the confidence you have already placed in me by asking me to deliberate this call. I thank God that I may already call you my brothers and sisters in the faith. I am looking forward to finding out more about the ministry God has given you to do in Franklin and exploring the potential for my participation in it.  Along with your prayers for me as I deliberate, please also share with me your insights so that I may make my decision.  To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen. (Jude 24-25)  God bless us all!  Your servant in Christ, Pastor Ethan Cherney

2020 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS:  The 2020 contribution statements are available in your church mailboxes.  If you are not attending in person at this time and would like your statement sent via U.S. mail or emailed to you, please contact the office.
2021 OFFERING ENVELOPES:  The 2021 offering envelopes are available in the church narthex.  If you don’t see a set with your name on it, please let us know!   Children's envelopes have now arrived as well!  Children’s envelopes are issued to children ages 4 and up.  If you would like your younger child to have a set, please give the office a call!
ALTAR FLOWER ORDERING:  If you would like to order altar flowers, the new sign-up sheet for 2021 is on the narthex counter.  The cost is $25.00, and you may take the flowers home for your enjoyment after the services!
MEDITATIONS/FORWARD IN CHRIST RENEWALS:  It’s time to renew!  If you would like to order/renew either subscription, please sign up by Sunday, February 7th.   Please note, all subscriptions will be delivered to your home.  Payment is due at sign up.  If you are not attending in person at this time but would like to renew, please contact the office.
Jan 13-19 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer
Jan 20-26 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer


:  Dear Members of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church,  As you know, over the past few weeks, I have been deliberating a call to Divine Savior Academy in Liberty Hill, Texas.  After much prayer and many conversations with people at both congregations, the Lord has led me to return the call to Divine Savior and continue serving here at St. Paul’s.  I would like to thank all who offered prayers on my behalf or shared their thoughts and opinions with me.  I am truly blessed to serve this congregation.  To God be the glory!  In His Service, Heather R. Schmidt
2021 OFFERING ENVELOPES:  The 2021 offering envelopes are available in the church narthex.  If you don’t see a set with your name on it, please let us know!   Children's envelopes have now arrived as well!  Children’s envelopes are issued to children ages 4 and up.  If you would like your younger child to have a set, please give the office a call!
CALL MEETING:  Our next call meeting for a 2nd pastor is set for this Wednesday, January 13th at 6:30 PM.
USHER MEETING:  There will be an usher meeting to demonstrate the use of the sound board immediately following the call meeting on Wednesday, January 13th.
ALTAR FLOWER ORDERING:  If you would like to order altar flowers, the new sign-up sheet for 2021 is on the narthex counter.  The cost is $25.00, and you may take the flowers home for your enjoyment after the services!
MEDITATIONS/FORWARD IN CHRIST RENEWALS:  It’s time to renew!  If you would like to order/renew either subscription, please sign up by Sunday, February 7th.   Please note, all subscriptions will be delivered to your home.  Payment is due at sign up.  If you are not attending in person at this time but would like to renew, please contact the office.
ST. PETER THANK YOU:  We received the following letter from St. Peter Lutheran Church:  Members of St. Paul’s,  Thank you for your contributions to the St. Peter’s Food Pantry.  The financial and clothing donations we received from the congregation during the Thanksgiving/Christmas season were amazing and exceptionally generous.  Your support is greatly appreciated.  Due to COVID we have change the way we distribute food and clothing, but we are still able to serve our many needy individuals and families.  Besides addressing the physical needs of food and clothing, a short Christ-centered devotion is held for those waiting in line just before the pantry opens at 4PM on Friday, and again at 10AM on Saturday.  This devotion is given in English and Spanish.  A Spanish/English printed copy of this devotion is placed in each bag for those who come later.  The Karen/Karenni community also benefits with St. Paul’s member Gary Eickhorst facilitating the bag distributions.  A short Bible printout in the Karen and Karenni languages has been recently added to the distribution.  Since March of this year, we have been serving an average of 150-200 individuals and families on a monthly basis.  Your contribution directly impacts each of these souls we serve.  ~ Mike Rohleder, St. Peter’s Food Pantry Coordinator
Jan 6-12 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh
Jan 13-19 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer


Thank you to Pastor Wayne Shevey for sharing God’s word with us today!
NO ADULT BIBLE CLASS:  There is no adult bible class today, January 3rd.  Class resumes next Sunday, January 10th.
2021 OFFERING ENVELOPES:  The 2021 offering envelopes are available in the church narthex.  If you don’t see a set with your name on it, please let us know!   Children's envelopes have now arrived as well!  Children’s envelopes are issued to children aged 4 and up.  If you would like your younger child to have a set, please give the office a call!
CALL MEETING:  Our next call meeting for a 2nd pastor is set for Wednesday, January 13th at 6:30 PM.
AFTER SCHOOL CARE POSITION:  St. Paul’s School is in need of your help!  We are looking for caring individuals to watch over our students in After Care from 3:00pm-6:00pm.  If you can help us out on select days during the week or all week please contact Mr. Schulmeister at 414-421-1930.  Please feel free to share this information with anyone who may be interested!
Dec 30 - Jan 5 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh
Jan 6-12 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh


Thank you to 2nd year seminary student, Christian Willick, for sharing God’s word with us today!

NO ADULT BIBLE CLASS:  There will be no adult bible class today, Sunday, December 27th, or next Sunday, January 3rd.  We will resume class on Sunday, January 10th.
HOLIDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE:  The pandemic of COVID-19 has brought many changes to our world. With that in mind, we have made some adjustments to our normal worship schedule for the remainder of 2020.
New Year’s Eve Worship -       December 31 (online only)
2021 OFFERING ENVELOPES:  The 2021 offering envelopes are available in the church narthex.  If you don’t see a set with your name on it, please let us know!   Children's envelopes have not yet arrived from the printer, but we will have them available as soon as they are here! 
CALL MEETING:  Our next call meeting for a 2nd pastor is set for Wednesday, January 13th at 6:30 PM.
AFTER SCHOOL CARE POSITION:  St. Paul’s School is in need of your help!  We are looking for caring individuals to watch over our students in After Care from 3:00pm-6:00pm.  If you can help us out on select days during the week or all week please contact Mr. Schulmeister at 414-421-1930.  Please feel free to share this information with anyone who may be interested!
Dec 23-29 – TEAM #1 – Sherry Kosovich, Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee
Dec 30 - Jan 5 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh


:  Sunday’s altar flowers are given by Randy & Nancy Willms in thanksgiving for the 20th anniversary of Randy’s liver transplant.
LAST WEEK’S SEATING ARRANGEMENT:  After reviewing the seating arrangements from last week’s services, we have decided to return to our original plan for seating, which is every other pew.  We thank you all for your comments and feedback, and for your continued cooperation.

CHRISTIAN FUNERAL:  On Thursday, December 10th, James Bower was called to his heavenly home.  A private funeral was held here at St. Paul's on Tuesday, December 15th.  “Then I heard a voice from heaven say, "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them." (Revelation 14:13)
2021 OFFERING ENVELOPES:  The 2021 offering envelopes are available in the church narthex.  If you don’t see a set with your name on it, please let us know!   Children's envelopes have not yet arrived from the printer, but we will have them available as soon as they are here! 
CALL MEETING:  Our next call meeting for a 2nd pastor is set for Wednesday, January 13th at 6:30 PM.
AFTER SCHOOL CARE POSITION:  St. Paul’s School is in need of your help!  We are looking for caring individuals to watch over our students in After Care from 3:00pm-6:00pm.  If you can help us out on select days during the week or all week please contact Mr. Schulmeister at 414-421-1930.  Please feel free to share this information with anyone who may be interested!
THANK YOU:  Thank you to Rachel Manske, Lauren Roedel, Heather Schmidt and Nancy Willms, who will all be lending their musical talents to our Christmas worship services later this week!
SOUTHSIDE MINISTRIES FOOD DRIVE:  We are still collecting non-perishable food items for the Food Pantry at Southside Ministries (St. Peter’s).  Please bring any donations to the main hallway of school.  You may drop it off anytime.  If you wish to help out with a monetary gift, you may do so as well.  Checks can be made out to “St. Peter’s Food Pantry” and can be placed in the offering tower.  Thank you for your support!
SOUTHSIDE MINISTRIES DONATION UPDATE:  In addition to the table full of food we have already collected, we have also received $1,500.00 in monetary donations for St. Peter’s Food Pantry!  We appreciate your generosity!
HOLIDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER: The pandemic of COVID-19 has brought many changes to our world. With that in mind, we have made some adjustments to our normal worship schedule for the remainder of 2020.
Children’s Christmas Service - Sunday, December 20 – Cancelled
   (Regular 8:00 and 10:30 am Sunday services are still scheduled)
Christmas Eve Worship - Dec. 24 Candlelight Service, 4:30 pm, 6:30 pm & 10:00 pm (all in-person)
Christmas Day Worship - December 25 Christmas Day – 10:00 am (in-person)
New Year’s Eve Worship - December 31 (online only)

Dec 16-22 – TEAM #1 – Sherry Kosovich, Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee
Dec 23-29 – TEAM #1 – Sherry Kosovich, Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee


:  Sunday in the 10:30 AM service Olivia Ainsley Reynolds will be received into God’s kingdom through holy baptism.  Olivia is the daughter of Thomas and Kristin Reynolds.  Serving as her godmother is Grace Reynolds.  May the Lord bless this family as they grow together in Christ.
NEW SEATING ARRANGEMENT:  In preparation for the upcoming Christmas worship services, we have altered the seating pattern in church to try and accommodate additional seating while still maintaining distancing requirements.  Please follow the signage on each of the pews.  We ask that larger families sit in the side angled pews.  Thank you for your continued cooperation!
CALL RECEIVED – HEATHER SCHMIDT:  Dear Members of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, This past week, I received a call to teach grade 3 or 4 at Divine Savior Academy in Liberty Hill, Texas.  During my years at St. Paul’s the Lord has blessed me in so many ways and I have truly enjoyed serving this congregation. I have much to deliberate during this time that I hold these two divine calls – one here at St. Paul’s and the other to Divine Savior Academy, and must decide where the Lord can best use my talents and abilities to serve His kingdom.   I ask for your continued prayers during my deliberation and welcome any and all comments or input you may have.   In His Service, Heather Schmidt
CALL RETURNED – PASTOR WESTRA:  Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus. I am writing to inform you that after much prayerful consideration, I have decided to decline the divine call you extended to me to serve as your congregation’s pastor. It was a truly humbling and rewarding experience to be called to serve as a pastor at St. Paul’s, and I thank you for the opportunity to consider where to serve our Lord in his Kingdom. I thank you also for all the helpful information I received from everyone I talked to during this deliberation process. I greatly appreciate your kindness and prayers.  God has richly blessed your congregation with many opportunities to serve our Lord. It is my prayer that the Lord of the Church provide a faithful shepherd for your congregation soon and continue to richly bless your congregation in the years to come. You will certainly remain in my prayers. May our gracious God bless and keep you in his care.  in Jesus’ name and service, Pastor Mark Westra      *Our next call meeting will take place after the holidays.  Please watch for a new meeting date.*
AFTER SCHOOL CARE POSITION:  St. Paul’s School is in need of your help!  We are looking for caring individuals to watch over our students in After Care from 3:00pm-6:00pm.  If you can help us out on select days during the week or all week please contact Mr. Schulmeister at 414-421-1930. 
THANK YOU:  Thank you to the Young family for playing our pre-service music this Sunday!
SOUTHSIDE MINISTRIES FOOD DRIVE:  We will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Food Pantry at Southside Ministries (St. Peter’s) over the next several weeks.  Please bring any donations to the main hallway of school.  You may drop it off anytime.  If you wish to help out with a monetary gift, you may do so as well.  Checks can be made out to “St. Peter’s Food Pantry” and can be placed in the offering tower.  Thank you for your support!
HOLIDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER: The pandemic of COVID-19 has brought many changes to our world. With that in mind, we have made some adjustments to our normal worship schedule for the remainder of 2020.
            Children’s Christmas Service - Sunday, December 20 – Cancelled
                  (Regular 8:00 and 10:30 am Sunday services are still scheduled)
            Christmas Eve Worship -  Dec. 24 Candlelight Service, 4:30 pm, 6:30 pm & 10:00 pm (all in-person)
            Christmas Day Worship - December 25 Christmas Day – 10:00 am (in-person)
            New Year’s Eve Worship - December 31 (online only)
Dec 9-15 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek
Dec 16-22 – TEAM #1 – Sherry Kosovich, Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee


:  This Sunday’s altar flowers are given by Jeff & Chris Romeis in thanksgiving for their 26th wedding anniversary!

CALL RECEIVED – HEATHER SCHMIDT:  Dear Members of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, This past week, I received a call to teach grade 3 or 4 at Divine Savior Academy in Liberty Hill, Texas.  During my years at St. Paul’s the Lord has blessed me in so many ways and I have truly enjoyed serving this congregation. I have much to deliberate during this time that I hold these two divine calls – one here at St. Paul’s and the other to Divine Savior Academy, and must decide where the Lord can best use my talents and abilities to serve His kingdom.   I ask for your continued prayers during my deliberation and welcome any and all comments or input you may have.   In His Service, Heather Schmidt

CALL RETURNED – PASTOR WESTRA:  Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,  Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus. I am writing to inform you that after much prayerful consideration, I have decided to decline the divine call you extended to me to serve as your congregation’s pastor. It was a truly humbling and rewarding experience to be called to serve as a pastor at St. Paul’s, and I thank you for the opportunity to consider where to serve our Lord in his Kingdom. I thank you also for all the helpful information I received from everyone I talked to during this deliberation process. I greatly appreciate your kindness and prayers.  God has richly blessed your congregation with many opportunities to serve our Lord. It is my prayer that the Lord of the Church provide a faithful shepherd for your congregation soon and continue to richly bless your congregation in the years to come. You will certainly remain in my prayers. May our gracious God bless and keep you in his care.  in Jesus’ name and service, Pastor Mark Westra 
HOLIDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER: The pandemic of COVID-19 has brought many changes to our world. With that in mind, we have made some adjustments to our normal worship schedule for the remainder of 2020.
Midweek Advent Service -  Wednesday, December 9, 6:30 pm (No Advent meal)
Children’s Christmas Service - Sunday, December 20 – Cancelled
    (Regular 8:00 and 10:30 am Sunday services are still scheduled)
Christmas Eve Worship - Dec. 24 Candlelight Service, 4:30 pm, 6:30 pm & 10:00 pm (all in-person)
    (please note the additional 6:30 pm service added)
Christmas Day Worship - December 25 Christmas Day – 10:00 am (in-person)
New Year’s Eve Worship - December 31 (online only)
AFTER SCHOOL CARE POSITION:  St. Paul’s School is in need of your help!  We are looking for caring individuals to watch over our students in After Care from 3:00pm-6:00pm.  If you can help us out on select days during the week or all week please contact Mr. Schulmeister at 414-421-1930. 
THANK YOU:  Thank you to Lauren Roedel for playing our pre-service music at our midweek Advent service coming up this week!
SOUTHSIDE MINISTRIES FOOD DRIVE:  We will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Food Pantry at Southside Ministries (St. Peter’s) over the next several weeks.  Please bring any donations to the main hallway of school.  You may drop it off anytime.  If you wish to help out with a monetary gift, you may do so as well.  Checks can be made out to “St. Peter’s Food Pantry” and can be placed in the offering tower.  Thank you for your support!
SOUTHSIDE MINISTRIES UPDATE:  What a year! Some of our tutoring volunteers at ESL are retired WELS teachers and most of our volunteers are retired or of retirement age.  At the end of each session, someone will say “see you next week” and the comeback is “God willing”. I’ve thought of that a lot as the year has played out. We had to stop our tutoring in March and did not start up until September in the house of one of our volunteers in Franklin. Milwaukee restrictions keep St. Peter’s Community Center unavailable to us.   So many of the activities that we have throughout the year have been canceled. Most of the children have not been physically in school since March. It’s very concerning that little progress or in most cases noticeable decline in their education is happening. Getting computers and access for the children is a huge challenge. Hopefully, it may be a positive over time to have earlier exposer to computers, but especially with the younger children, at present, it’s overwhelming.  A big thank you for your generous support throughout the year. Furniture and clothing donations have continued throughout the year. It has been a real challenge to get the clothing distributed with the food pantry not able to allow the recipients in to the building. St. Paul’s has been our biggest provider of good, used children’s clothing.  We had a great Christmas party last year with over 75 children and some parents. There were 6 tables full of toys and extras that were given to St. Peters school for distribution to some of their less fortunate students. We are going ahead planning for a Christmas party this year and are currently looking for more donated toys to supplement those put aside during the year. We are also looking for winter clothing, gloves, and boots of all sizes.  As in years past, we are creating Christmas gift bags for the children with fruits, nuts, and candy. The collection we are taking will be used for the gift bags as well as the food pantry. It has been a very challenging year for a lot of our recipients and your support has been very much appreciated.  “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God”. This year, that’s been very apparent a lot of times, and other times, it’s going to take a little longer to see this. The limited access for a part of the year has made the children and volunteers more aware of the deep bond that exists within our group. We are very grateful that there have been COVID cases but all of them have been minor.  Thank you. May you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Martin Luther College has prepared several Advent activities for children to help them prepare for Jesus’ birth.  You can access these free activities here.
WLHS DRAMA PRODUCTION:  Performing before limited audiences, Wisconsin Lutheran High School’s drama department will offer two, one-act plays Drop Dead, Juliet! and The Seussificaton of Romeo and Juliet the weekend of December 11-13, at 7:30 p.m.  Tickets cost $8 for adults and $5 for children and can only be purchase online at wlhs.org/drama or by calling 414-453-4567. Seating is general admission with safety measures in place.  Please note, the annual Choir Associates Spaghetti Dinner, held before the drama production on Friday night, will be postponed this year.
Dec 2-8 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek
Dec 9-15 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek


There will be no adult bible class this Sunday.  Class will resume next Sunday, December 6th.
THANK YOU:  Thank you to Lauren Roedel for playing our pre-service music and Hymn of the Day this Sunday!
HOLIDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER: The pandemic of COVID-19 has brought many changes to our world. With that in mind, we have made some adjustments to our normal worship schedule for the remainder of 2020.
            Midweek Advent Service -      Wednesday, December 9, 6:30 pm (No Advent meal)
            Children’s Christmas Service - Sunday, December 20 – Cancelled
                                                            (Regular 8:00 and 10:30 am Sunday services are still scheduled)
            Christmas Eve Worship -        Dec. 24 Candlelight Service, 4:30 pm, 6:30 pm & 10:00 pm (in-person)
                                                            (please note the additional 6:30 pm service added)
            Christmas Day Worship -        December 25 Christmas Day – 10:00 am (in-person)
            New Year’s Eve Worship -       December 31 (online only)
SOUTHSIDE MINISTRIES FOOD DRIVE:  We will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Food Pantry at Southside Ministries (St. Peter’s) over the next several weeks.  Please bring any donations to the main hallway of school.  You may drop it off anytime.  If you wish to help out with a monetary gift, you may do so as well.  Checks can be made out to “St. Peter’s Food Pantry” and can be placed in the offering tower.  Thank you for your support!
AFTER SCHOOL CARE POSITION:  St. Paul’s School is in need of your help!  We are looking for caring individuals to watch over our students in After Care from 3:00pm-6:00pm.  If you can help us out on select days during the week or all week please contact Mr. Schulmeister at 414-421-1930. 
ADVENT DEVOTION SERIES FOR CHILDREN:  Martin Luther College has prepared several Advent activities for children to help them prepare for Jesus’ birth.  You can access these free activities here.
WLHS DRAMA PRODUCTION:  Performing before limited audiences, Wisconsin Lutheran High School’s drama department will offer two, one-act plays Drop Dead, Juliet! and The Seussificaton of Romeo and Juliet the weekend of December 11-13, at 7:30 p.m.  Tickets cost $8 for adults and $5 for children and can only be purchase online at wlhs.org/drama or by calling 414-453-4567. Seating is general admission with safety measures in place.  Please note, the annual Choir Associates Spaghetti Dinner, held before the drama production on Friday night, will be postponed this year.
Nov 25-Dec 1 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer
Dec 2-8 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek


Thank you to Pastor Wayne Shevey for sharing God’s word with us this Sunday!
NO ADULT BIBLE CLASS:  There will be no adult bible class next Sunday, November 29th.  Class will resume on Sunday, December 6th.
HOLIDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER: The pandemic of COVID-19 has brought many changes to our world. With that in mind, we have made some adjustments to our normal worship schedule for the remainder of 2020.
Thanksgiving Worship –  Wednesday, November 25, 3:00 & 6:30 pm (in-person)
                                            (please note the additional 3:00 pm service added)
                                            Thursday, November 26, morning (online only)
Midweek Advent Service -  Wednesday, December 9, 6:30 pm (No Advent meal)
Children’s Christmas Service - Sunday, December 20 – Cancelled
                                                     (Regular 8:00 and 10:30 am Sunday services are still scheduled)
Christmas Eve Worship -  Dec. 24 Candlelight Service, 4:30 pm, 6:30 pm & 10:00 pm (in-person)
                                             (please note the additional 6:30 pm service added)
Christmas Day Worship -  December 25 Christmas Day – 10:00 am (in-person)
New Year’s Eve Worship - December 31 (online only)
SOUTHSIDE MINISTRIES FOOD DRIVE:  We will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Food Pantry at Southside Ministries (St. Peter’s) over the next several weeks.  Please bring any donations to the main hallway of school.  You may drop it off anytime.  If you wish to help out with a monetary gift, you may do so as well.  Checks can be made out to “St. Peter’s Food Pantry” and can be placed in the offering tower.  Thank you for your support!
AFTER SCHOOL CARE POSITION:  St. Paul’s School is in need of your help!  We are looking for caring individuals to watch over our students in After Care from 3:00pm-6:00pm each day.  If you can help us out on select days during the week or all week please contact Mr. Schulmeister at 414-421-1930.

ADVENT DEVOTION SERIES FOR CHILDREN:  Martin Luther College has prepared several Advent activities for children to help them prepare for Jesus’ birth.  You can access these free activities here: :  MLC Advent Series
THANKSGIVING PRE-SERVICE MUSIC:  Thank you to 8th Grader, Lauren Roedel, who will be playing pre-service music for our Thanksgiving services.
2ND PASTOR CALL:  On Wednesday, November 4th, we called Pastor Mark Westra, currently serving at Prince of Peace in Fairport, New York.  We received this letter from Pastor Westra: 
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus. I am writing to inform you that I have received the divine call you have extended to me to serve your congregation as pastor. I was informed of this call by your congregational president, David Brightsman, on Wednesday, November 4th, who was very helpful in giving me preliminary information on the ministry of St. Paul’s. I am humbled to receive your call and grateful for the opportunity to consider how my gifts may best serve the kingdom of God.  I look forward to speaking with your staff, leaders, and any of you who would like to speak with me, as I will also be speaking with the leaders and members of the congregation I currently serve. Please keep me and my family in your prayers as we prayerfully consider where the Lord would have me serve and know that you will certainly be in my prayers.  God be with all of you and keep you in his love and care. May he continue to bless the kingdom work we do together in our church body by his grace. In Jesus’ name and service, Pastor Mark Westra
If you would like to share your thoughts with Pastor Westra, he can be reached at (585) 397-4540 or pastor.mark.westra@gmail.com.
Nov 25-Dec 1 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer
Dec 2-8 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek


:  On Wednesday, November 4th, we called Pastor Mark Westra, currently serving at Prince of Peace in Fairport, New York.  We received this letter from Pastor Westra: 
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus. I am writing to inform you that I have received the divine call you have extended to me to serve your congregation as pastor. I was informed of this call by your congregational president, David Brightsman, on Wednesday, November 4th, who was very helpful in giving me preliminary information on the ministry of St. Paul’s. I am humbled to receive your call and grateful for the opportunity to consider how my gifts may best serve the kingdom of God.  I look forward to speaking with your staff, leaders, and any of you who would like to speak with me, as I will also be speaking with the leaders and members of the congregation I currently serve. Please keep me and my family in your prayers as we prayerfully consider where the Lord would have me serve and know that you will certainly be in my prayers.  God be with all of you and keep you in his love and care. May he continue to bless the kingdom work we do together in our church body by his grace. In Jesus’ name and service, Pastor Mark Westra
If you would like to share your thoughts with Pastor Westra, he can be reached at (585) 397-4540 or pastor.mark.westra@gmail.com.
THE SEASON OF END TIMES: The last four Sundays of the Church Year are designated as the season of End Time. The focus of this season is fulfillment of Christ’s promises and encouragement for the Church of End Times. We live in the last age of this earth, and in this season, Jesus wants us to remember his promise, “Behold, I am coming soon.” This season prepares the church for these latter days by encouraging faithfulness to the Word, mindfulness of the judgment, watchfulness for Christ’s coming, and joyfulness in Christ’s reign.
The Third Sunday of End Time is known in Lutheran churches as “Saints Triumphant Sunday.”  Jesus promises us: “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die” (John 11:25-26). Through Jesus, his people – his saints – triumph over death!
In the last year, the Lord called 3 members of St. Paul’s to their heavenly home:
            Walter Naujock – June 4, 2020
            Joe Devcich – July 16, 2020
            Richard Hamrick – October 26, 2020
We pray that this precious promise of Jesus brings comfort to these families and to all believers in Jesus.

HOLIDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER: The pandemic of COVID-19 has brought many changes to our world. With that in mind, we have made some adjustments to our normal worship schedule for the remainder of 2020.
            Thanksgiving Worship –          Wednesday, November 25, 6:30 pm (in-person)
                                                                 Thursday, November 26, morning (online only)
            Midweek Advent Service -      Wednesday, December 9, 6:30 pm (No Advent meal)
            Children’s Christmas Worship Service – Sunday, December 20 – Cancelled
            Christmas Eve Worship -         December 24 Candlelight Service, 4:30 pm & 10:00 pm (in-person)
            Christmas Day Worship -        December 25 Christmas Day – 10:00 am (in-person)
            New Year’s Eve Worship -       December 31 (online only)
Nov 18-24 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer
Nov 25-Dec 1 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer


:   We have two sets of altar flowers this weekend!  The first set is given by Joe & Kay Gregorich in thanksgiving for their 17th wedding anniversary.  The second set is in celebration of Marilyn Krueger’s 85th birthday!
PRE-SERVICE MUSIC:  Thank you to Noelle and Declan Young for playing our pre-service music before each of our services today!
THANKSGIVING SERVICE:  We will be having only one Thanksgiving service this year on Wednesday, November 25th at 6:30 PM.  The service will be available online on Thanksgiving morning, November 26th.
ONLINE GIVING:  Did you know that you can contribute to St. Paul’s electronically?  We have two easy ways you can do it – via a secure online account using your credit card or bank account, or direct debit (ACH) from your bank account.  More information is available on the “Donate” tab of our website, or you can contact the office.
NEW SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS:  We have begun a new study looking at the Apostle Simon Peter. Simon grew up a fisherman on the Sea of Galilee. Bold and impulsive, he fluctuated between tremendous strength and courage and astonishing weakness and thoughtlessness. One minute he was boldly defending Jesus, the next he was standing in His way—or completely denying Him. But Jesus saw what he would become with the power of the Holy Spirit, and He gave him the name Peter—“Rock.” This study will look at how Jesus turned the flighty, undependable disciple into one of the solid pillars of the Early Church. Along the way, we will see how Jesus transforms us into firm, confident, dependable men of God. We will meet at 9:15am in the church’s main sanctuary so that we can maintain social distancing guidelines.  Please join us!
Nov 11-17 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh
Nov 18-24 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer

  Throughout this Covid-19 Pandemic, our Board of Elders will continue to evaluate how we can serve God’s people best with Word and Sacrament safely as we are meeting in-person. This was a point of discussion at our recent Board of Elders meeting. This Sunday we will once again be serving Holy Communion during the worship service. The diagram below shows how we will do that this week. We will be doing a continuous distribution of one section at a time. We will begin from the back of each section. People will come forward and pick up their communion cup from the table in the front of each section. They will return to their pew following the directions of the arrows. (As you are moving down the aisle, we ask that you please continue to wear your mask.) We will wait to move into a new section until the previous section is done. Once everyone has received their cup, we will then have the whole congregation eat and drink the elements at the same time. This will all be explained on Sunday as well while showing the diagram on the screens in the worship service. We thank you for your understanding as we continue to adjust our worship practices to best serve God’s people.

CALL MEETING:  Our next call meeting for a 2nd pastor is scheduled for Wednesday, November 4th at 6:30 PM.
ONLINE GIVING:  Did you know that you can contribute to St. Paul’s electronically?  We have two easy ways you can do it – via a secure online account using your credit card or bank account, or direct debit (ACH) from your bank account.  More information is available on the “Donate” tab of our website, or you can contact the office.
NEW SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS:  We have begun a new study looking at the Apostle Simon Peter. Simon grew up a fisherman on the Sea of Galilee. Bold and impulsive, he fluctuated between tremendous strength and courage and astonishing weakness and thoughtlessness. One minute he was boldly defending Jesus, the next he was standing in His way—or completely denying Him. But Jesus saw what he would become with the power of the Holy Spirit, and He gave him the name Peter—“Rock.” This study will look at how Jesus turned the flighty, undependable disciple into one of the solid pillars of the Early Church. Along the way, we will see how Jesus transforms us into firm, confident, dependable men of God. We will meet at 9:15am in the church’s main sanctuary so that we can maintain social distancing guidelines.  Please join us!
Nov 4-10 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh
Nov 11-17 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh

On Saturday, October 24th, Brandon Hall and Stephanie Kirby were united in marriage here at St. Paul’s.  We wish them the Lord’s blessings as they begin their life together as husband and wife.
CALL RETURNED:  Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Members of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church,
Greetings in the name of our God, in whose “hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind” (Job 12:10).  I want to thank you again for the opportunity to consider how the God of all creation has made me a steward of certain gifts and has enabled me to use those gifts in the public ministry. I have been humbled and comforted by the reminder that he holds all our lives in his hand. Your prayers, input, and goodwill during this process have been blessings at work in God’s kingdom for our united gospel mission.  After deliberating the call which you extended to me to serve as your pastor, I must inform you that I have decided to decline. Although there are many and exciting opportunities before your congregation, I am convinced that I am not the shepherd you need. I pray God provide you with one to guide you with the Word and lead you to share it.  May God bless all of us who labor for the advance of his kingdom to the glory of his name and of Jesus our Lord!
Your brother in Christ, Isaac Cherney
CALL MEETING:  Our next call meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 4th at 6:30 PM.
ONLINE GIVING:  Did you know that you can contribute to St. Paul’s electronically?  We have two easy ways you can do it – via a secure online account using your credit card or bank account, or direct debit (ACH) from your bank account.  More information is available on the “Donate” tab of our website, or you can contact the office.
DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME:  Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 1st at 2:00 AM.  Don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour and enjoy the extra sleep!
NEW SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS:  We have begun a new study looking at the Apostle Simon Peter. Simon grew up a fisherman on the Sea of Galilee. Bold and impulsive, he fluctuated between tremendous strength and courage and astonishing weakness and thoughtlessness. One minute he was boldly defending Jesus, the next he was standing in His way—or completely denying Him. But Jesus saw what he would become with the power of the Holy Spirit, and He gave him the name Peter—“Rock.” This study will look at how Jesus turned the flighty, undependable disciple into one of the solid pillars of the Early Church. Along the way, we will see how Jesus transforms us into firm, confident, dependable men of God. We will meet at 9:15am in the church’s main sanctuary so that we can maintain social distancing guidelines.  Please join us!
Oct 28-Nov 3 – TEAM #1 – Sherry Kosovich, Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee
Nov 4-10 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh
Oct 28-31 – TEAM #2 – Dave Qualmann
Thank you to our volunteers for keeping the grounds looking great all summer!


Today’s altar flowers are given by Gordy & Mickey Lesser in celebration of their 48th wedding anniversary!
HOLY COMMUNION:  Throughout this Covid-19 Pandemic, our Board of Elders will continue to evaluate how we can serve God’s people best with Word and Sacrament safely as we are meeting in-person. This was a point of discussion of our Board of Elders meeting this past Wednesday. This Sunday we will once again be serving Holy Communion during the worship service. The diagram below shows how we will do that this week. We will be doing a continuous distribution of one section at a time. We will begin from the back of each section. People will come forward and pick up their communion cup from the table in the front of each section. They will return to their pew following the directions of the arrows. (As you are moving down the aisle, we ask that you please continue to wear your mask.) We will wait to move into a new section until the previous section is done. Once everyone has received their cup, we will then have the whole congregation eat and drink the elements at the same time. This will all be explained on Sunday as well while showing the diagram on the screens in the worship service. We thank you for your understanding as we continue to adjust our worship practices to best serve God’s people.

NEW SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS BEGINS THIS WEEKEND:  This Sunday we begin a new study looking at the Apostle Simon Peter. Simon grew up a fisherman on the Sea of Galilee. Bold and impulsive, he fluctuated between tremendous strength and courage and astonishing weakness and thoughtlessness. One minute he was boldly defending Jesus, the next he was standing in His way—or completely denying Him. But Jesus saw what he would become with the power of the Holy Spirit, and He gave him the name Peter—“Rock.” This study will look at how Jesus turned the flighty, undependable disciple into one of the solid pillars of the Early Church. Along the way, we will see how Jesus transforms us into firm, confident, dependable men of God. We will meet at 9:15am in the church’s main sanctuary so that we can maintain social distancing guidelines.
LWMS DOOR COLLECTION:  Last Sunday we collected $608.00 in our door collection for the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society (LWMS).  Thank you for your support!
Oct 21-27 – TEAM #1 – Sherry Kosovich, Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee
Oct 28-Nov 3 – TEAM #1 – Sherry Kosovich, Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee
Oct 21-24 – TEAM #1 – Gordy Lesser
Oct 28-31 – TEAM #2 – Dave Qualmann


:  Thank you to Pastor Wayne Shevey for sharing God’s word with us today!
ALTAR FLOWERS:  Today’s altar flowers are given by Henry & Sharon Kiesow in celebration of their 25th wedding anniversary!
LWMS DOOR COLLECTION:  We will be holding a door collection for the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society today to support their Home Mission Project - Tools for Outreach and their World Mission Project - Africa.   Due to the Coronavirus, they will not be able to conduct the Fall Rally, but LWMS and WELS mission work is still ongoing – and urgent!   We have the knowledge and comfort of God’s gift of salvation though His Son, Jesus– but millions of souls do not!  LWMS is one way YOU can share in the privilege of the Gospel work our Lord and Savior called us to do!  Please join us in praying for our missionaries and supporting this wonderful work!
ADULT BIBLE CLASS:  Our adult bible class is underway!  The title of our new Bible Class is called “Clearly Christian.” Let’s just admit we’re all a little confused. Networks connect people around the world, yet we struggle to remember our next-door neighbor’s name. We have access to more information than ever, but it hasn’t solved the problems of discrimination, prejudice, or self-absorption. We have an excess of many things—gadgets, technology, cat memes—but nothing is more abundant than confusion.  This confusion also swirls around and seeps into the Christian faith. Non-Christians look at Christianity through layers of misinformation, and even Christians can get lost in a fog of opinions mixed with truth, confused about who they are and what they believe.  “Clearly Christian” takes the confusion head-on. In this age of counterfeits and fakes, the world desperately needs clear Christianity: the real love and forgiveness of God, who is the Savior for real sinners. We will meet inside the church.
BETHANY LUTHERAN COLLEGE GETAWAY WEEKEND:  Bethany Lutheran College invites all high school juniors and seniors to join them for a free weekend November 12-14, 2020.  Meet professors, directors and coaches, experience life in the residence hall and tour the campus and the city of Mankato.  To register, visit blc.edu/getaway.  For more information, call Bethany’s Admissions Office at (507) 593-7157.  Please sign up by November 2nd.
Oct 14-20 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek, Barb Migacz
Oct 21-27 – TEAM #1 – Sherry Kosovich, Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee
Oct 14-17 – TEAM #4 – Gary Tosic & Jerry Lehtinen
Oct 21-24 – TEAM #1 – Gordy Lesser


:  Today’s altar flowers are given by Steve & Theresa Mess in celebration of their 19th wedding anniversary!
2ND PASTOR CALL:  On Sunday, September 20th we called Pastor Isaac Cherney, currently serving at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Yakima, Washington, to be our second pastor.  We received this letter from Pastor Cherney:
Dear Members of Christ’s Church in Franklin, I have received the Divine Call you have extended to me to serve with you as your pastor. I am humbled and grateful for this opportunity. Through you the Lord has given me a choice between two exciting and blessed callings. I will seek the Lord’s guidance as I deliberate where I might best serve Him in His Kingdom. I am convinced that He will work all things out according to His loving purpose and that His Will will be done.  I look forward to speaking with many of you in order to learn more about your congregation and the prospect of serving with you in Christ’s harvest fields. Please call me to discuss ministry in Franklin.  As I prayerfully consider this call to serve, I ask that you keep me, my family, and our congregations in your prayers as you will be in mine.
If you would like to reach out to Pastor Cherney, he can be reached via cell phone at (262) 204-8027 or email, cherneyip@gmail.com.
LWMS DOOR COLLECTION:  We will be holding a door collection for the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society next Sunday, October 11th to support their Home Mission Project - Tools for Outreach and their World Mission Project - Africa.   Due to the Coronavirus, they will not be able to conduct the Fall Rally, but LWMS and WELS mission work is still ongoing – and urgent!   We have the knowledge and comfort of God’s gift of salvation though His Son, Jesus– but millions of souls do not!  LWMS is one way YOU can share in the privilege of the Gospel work our Lord and Savior called us to do!  Please join us in praying for our missionaries and supporting this wonderful work!
ADULT BIBLE CLASS:  Our adult bible class has begun!  The title of our new Bible Class is called “Clearly Christian.” Let’s just admit we’re all a little confused. Networks connect people around the world, yet we struggle to remember our next-door neighbor’s name. We have access to more information than ever, but it hasn’t solved the problems of discrimination, prejudice, or self-absorption. We have an excess of many things—gadgets, technology, cat memes—but nothing is more abundant than confusion.
This confusion also swirls around and seeps into the Christian faith. Non-Christians look at Christianity through layers of misinformation, and even Christians can get lost in a fog of opinions mixed with truth, confused about who they are and what they believe.
“Clearly Christian” takes the confusion head-on. In this age of counterfeits and fakes, the world desperately needs clear Christianity: the real love and forgiveness of God, who is the Savior for real sinners. We will meet inside the church.
CONGRATULATIONS TO KRISTINE RIEL:  This past week our 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Kristine Riel, was awarded a $100 gift card from Paramount Pediatric Dentistry!  Paramount ran a contest in their office to recognize the efforts of our community teachers with families nominating their favorites. Congratulations, Mrs. Riel!
WLHS OPEN HOUSE:  Families and students in grades 6-8 are invited to Wisconsin Lutheran High School's Open House on Sunday, October 4. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. with a program at 6:00 p.m. Grade school parents and students have the opportunity to meet teachers, tour the school, and enjoy faculty presentations.  Please note our annual Open House requires online registration for both in-person and virtual attendees. Register online at wlhs.org/openhouse. In-person attendance is limited to the first 250 participants; please limit your group to essential attendees. If you are not part of the first 250, please select the Virtual Option to receive the private Zoom link invitation.  See what a difference academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment can make in your child's life!
Oct 7-13 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek, Barb Migacz
Oct 14-20 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek, Barb Migacz
Oct 7-10 – TEAM #3 – Frank Krajewski
Oct 14-17 – TEAM #4 – Gary Tosic & Jerry Lehtinen


:  Today’s altar flowers are given by Chuck & Connie Roedel in celebration of their 19th wedding anniversary!
ADULT BIBLE CLASS:  Our adult bible class has begun!  The title of our new Bible Class is called “Clearly Christian.” Let’s just admit we’re all a little confused. Networks connect people around the world, yet we struggle to remember our next-door neighbor’s name. We have access to more information than ever, but it hasn’t solved the problems of discrimination, prejudice, or self-absorption. We have an excess of many things—gadgets, technology, cat memes—but nothing is more abundant than confusion.
This confusion also swirls around and seeps into the Christian faith. Non-Christians look at Christianity through layers of misinformation, and even Christians can get lost in a fog of opinions mixed with truth, confused about who they are and what they believe.
“Clearly Christian” takes the confusion head-on. In this age of counterfeits and fakes, the world desperately needs clear Christianity: the real love and forgiveness of God, who is the Savior for real sinners. We will meet inside the church.
HOLY COMMUNION:  At our Board of Elders meeting recently, we decided to begin the process of introducing communion back into the worship services on Sundays. We have put together a plan to distribute the Lord’s Supper while still being able to social distance in the front of church.  We will further explain the process during the worship service. The first Sunday that we will hold communion in the worship service will be on Sunday, October 4th.
We also recognize that there may be those who would choose to continue to receive Communion on Saturdays as we have been doing. The next Saturday that we will have communion will be on Saturday, October 3rd. We have been scheduling the Saturday morning time for appointments over a two hour time frame. Anticipating that there may be those who have been coming on Saturdays who will choose to receive communion on Sundays instead, we will setup appointments over just a 1 hour time frame from 10:00 am – 11:00 am. (We can add more appointment slots if needed.)  You can sign up by calling the office or reserve a time slot online here.
The Board of Elders will evaluate this procedure at their next meeting on Wednesday, October 14th.  
SOUND BOARD/VIDEO SCREEN HELP:  We are looking for some volunteers to help run the sound board and video screens each week.  It’s easy to do, and we’ll show you how!  If you are interested, please let Pastor Adams know.
ST. PAUL’S GALA – ITEM PICK-UP:  Were you a winning bidder in our online auction?  You can pick up your items after each service today (Sunday), or tomorrow (Monday) before or after school.  Contact Jaime Petricek with questions at (414) 238-5122.
WLHS OPEN HOUSE:  Families and students in grades 6-8 are invited to Wisconsin Lutheran High School's Open House on Sunday, October 4. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. with a program at 6:00 p.m. Grade school parents and students have the opportunity to meet teachers, tour the school, and enjoy faculty presentations.  Please note our annual Open House requires online registration for both in-person and virtual attendees. Register online at wlhs.org/openhouse. In-person attendance is limited to the first 250 participants; please limit your group to essential attendees. If you are not part of the first 250, please select the Virtual Option to receive the private Zoom link invitation.  See what a difference academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment can make in your child's life!
Sept 30-Oct 6 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer
Oct 7-13 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek, Barb Migacz
Sept 30-Oct 3 – TEAM #2 – Dave Qualmann
Oct 7-10 – TEAM #3 – Frank Krajewski 


:  Thank you to Pastor Wayne Shevey for sharing God’s word with us today!
CALL MEETING:  Our next call meeting will take place after the 10:30 AM service today (Sunday, September 20th).
ALTAR FLOWERS:  We’ve had some beautiful altar flowers over the last few weeks!  Thank you to Pete & Sherry Kosovich for our September 6th flowers in celebration of their 43rd wedding anniversary, and to Gary & Donna Boldt for our September 13th flowers in celebration of their 37th wedding anniversary!
BIBLE CLASS BEGINS THIS SUNDAY: The title of our new Bible Class is called “Clearly Christian.” Let’s just admit we’re all a little confused. Networks connect people around the world, yet we struggle to remember our next-door neighbor’s name. We have access to more information than ever, but it hasn’t solved the problems of discrimination, prejudice, or self-absorption. We have an excess of many things—gadgets, technology, cat memes—but nothing is more abundant than confusion.
This confusion also swirls around and seeps into the Christian faith. Non-Christians look at Christianity through layers of misinformation, and even Christians can get lost in a fog of opinions mixed with truth, confused about who they are and what they believe.
“Clearly Christian” takes the confusion head-on. In this age of counterfeits and fakes, the world desperately needs clear Christianity: the real love and forgiveness of God, who is the Savior for real sinners. We will meet inside the church.
VIRTUAL SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM:  Thank you to those families that have signed up for our new Sunday School program.  Materials are available in your church mailboxes (or sent home with our school families), and you should have already received a link to this week’s video.
HOLY COMMUNION:  At our Board of Elders meeting this past week, we decided to begin the process of introducing communion back into the worship services on Sundays. We have put together a plan to distribute the Lord’s Supper while still being able to social distance in the front of church.  We will further explain the process during the worship service. The first Sunday that we will hold communion in the worship service will be on Sunday, October 4th.
We also recognize that there may be those who would choose to continue to receive Communion on Saturdays as we have been doing. The next Saturday that we will have communion will be on Saturday, October 3rd. We have been scheduling the Saturday morning time for appointments over a two hour time frame. Anticipating that there may be those who have been coming on Saturdays who will choose to receive communion on Sundays instead, we will setup appointments over just a 1 hour time frame from 10:00 am – 11:00 am. (We can add more appointment slots if needed.)
The Board of Elders will evaluate this procedure at their next meeting on Wednesday, October 14th.  
SOUND BOARD/VIDEO SCREEN HELP:  We are looking for some volunteers to help run the sound board and video screens each week.  It’s easy to do, and we’ll show you how!  If you are interested, please let Pastor Adams know.
AFTER SCHOOL CARE POSITION:  St. Paul’s School is in need of your help.  We are looking for caring individuals to watch over our students in After Care from 3:00pm-6:00pm.  If you can help us out on select days during the week or all week please contact Mr. Schulmeister at 414-421-1930. 
ST. PAUL’S GALA:  Have you taken a look at all of the items we have up for bid?  Bidding begins on Monday, September 21st at 3:00 PM and runs through Friday, September 25th at 8:00 PM.  Text stpaulsgala2020 to 243725 to get started, or check us out online: www.bidpal.net/stpaulsgala2020  The money we raise pays for all of the technology at our school!
Sept 23-29 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer
Sept 30-Oct 6 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer
Sept 23-26 – TEAM #1 – Gordy Lesser
Sept 30-Oct 3 – TEAM #2 – Dave Qualmann


Our next call meeting will be next Sunday, September 20th at 11:30 AM.
NEW TEACHER INSTALLATION:  We will be installing our new 6th grade teacher, Mr. Chad Clough, in our 10:30 AM service today.  Here is a brief biography of Mr. Clough:
I grew up in Medford, WI and attended Medford Area Senior High graduating in 2002. I graduated from UW-Madison with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History. I received a teaching certificate from the University of Illinois-Springfield.  Before coming to St. Paul’s I taught some 3rd grade, 6th grade and 7-8 grades for nearly a decade at Word of Life in Milwaukee. During that time, I received my WELS teaching certificate from MLC.
I am excited and humbled to serve as Upper Grades Teacher and Athletic Director at St. Paul’s. 
I've been blessed with an amazing wife that teaches K5 at the German Immersion School, and we have three wonderful children attending St. Paul's. When I have some free time I enjoy playing/watching sports, reading, eating snacks and spending time with family and friends.
CONFIRMATION:  This year’s Confirmation service (postponed from May) will take place today at 1:00 PM in a private service.  Congratulations to our Confirmands:  Amanda Baumann, Josephina Graetz, Kendall Leistico, Caitlin Lesser, Alex Martin, Ava Triplett, Kaitlin Uecker, Luke Vilbaum, and Jayden Ziegler.
WORSHIP SCHEDULE TIME CHANGE:  Beginning today our service times will be 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM.
ADULT BIBLE CLASS:  We will begin adult bible class on Sunday, September 20th.  It will be held in church between the services.
*NEW* VIRTUAL SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM:  Thank you to those families that have signed up for our new Sunday School program.  Materials have been ordered and we will let everyone know when they arrive.  The program begins on Sunday, September 20th.
Sept 16-22 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh
Sept 23-29 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer
Sept 16-19 – TEAM #4 – Gary Tosic & Jerry Lehtinen
Sept 23-26 – TEAM #1 – Gordy Lesser


:  We received this letter from Pastor Moldenhauer regarding the call we extended to him:  Dear brothers and sisters at St. Paul’s,  After a few weeks of prayer, conversations, and deliberations, I have decided to return the call serve as one of your pastors at St. Paul’s and continue to serve God’s people at Immanuel in Greenville.  It is with a heavy heart that I share this news with you.  I have greatly appreciated this opportunity to learn about the wonderful mission work being done among you.  Thank you for your prayers, your conversations, and encouragement.  Please continue to pray for me and my family and our ministry in Greenville, and of course in turn we will be praying for you and God’s work among you.  I entrust each of you and your entire ministry to the gracious care of our almighty and loving God.  God’s richest blessings to you as you continue to carry out his saving work!  Your brother in Christ, Nathan Moldenhauer
Our next call meeting will be Sunday, September 20th at 11:30 AM.
NEW TEACHER INSTALLATION:  We will be installing our new 6th grade teacher, Mr. Chad Clough, in our 10:30 AM service on Sunday, September 13th.
WORSHIP SCHEDULE TIME CHANGE:  Beginning Sunday, September 13th (the Sunday after Labor Day), our service times will be 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM.
HOLY COMMUNION:  The Lord’s Supper will be offered on Saturday, September 12th from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  Reserved time slots are available through Sign-up Genius, or by calling the office.
CONFIRMATION:  This year’s Confirmation service (postponed from May) will take place on Sunday, September 13th at 1:00 PM in a private service.  Congratulations to our Confirmands:  Amanda Baumann, Josephina Graetz, Kendall Leistico, Caitlin Lesser, Alex Martin, Ava Triplett, Kaitlin Uecker, Luke Vilbaum, Nicholas Witucki and Jayden Ziegler.
*NEW* VIRTUAL SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM:  We are excited to be able to provide a new virtual Sunday School program from Northwestern Publishing House for ages 3K - Grade 6.  NPH is producing Christ-Light Lesson Videos taught by experienced WELS teachers available via the NPH website and YouTube channel prior to each Sunday.  Access to these Lesson Videos is free with no required password.  After children watch the Lesson Video with their parents, parents help them complete an easy activity related to the lesson and review the Memory Treasure using printed Christ-Light Sunday school student lessons.  In order to provide families the materials for each week, we ask that you please sign up for the program by September 8th using the following link:
Sept 9-15 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh
Sept 16-22 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh
Sept 9-12 – TEAM #3 – Frank Krajewski
Sept 16-19 – TEAM #4 – Gary Tosic & Jerry Lehtinen


:  We are excited to be able to provide a new virtual Sunday School program from Northwestern Publishing House for ages 3K - Grade 6.  NPH is producing Christ-Light Lesson Videos taught by experienced WELS teachers available via the NPH website and YouTube channel prior to each Sunday.  Access to these Lesson Videos is free with no required password.  After children watch the Lesson Video with their parents, parents help them complete an easy activity related to the lesson and review the Memory Treasure using printed Christ-Light Sunday school student lessons.  In order to provide families the materials for each week, we ask that you please sign up for the program by September 8th using the following link:  https://forms.gle/vLDgB5Xarob6YUR46
WORSHIP SCHEDULE TIME CHANGE:  Beginning Sunday, September 13th (the Sunday after Labor Day), our service times will be 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM.
HOLY COMMUNION:  The Lord’s Supper will be offered on Saturday, September 12th from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  Reserved time slots through Sign-up Genius are available here, or by calling the office at (414) 421-1178. 
FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL UPDATE:  We had a great first week of school!  Staff and students are happy to be back together again!  Take a look at some highlights of our first week:  2020 First Week of School
THANK YOU:  Thank you to Lauren Roedel for playing pre-service music for us today!
Aug 26-Sept 1 – TEAM #1 – Sherry Kosovich, Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee
Sept 2-8 – TEAM #1 – Sherry Kosovich, Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee
            Sept 2-5 – TEAM #2 – Dave Qualmann
            Sept 9-12 – TEAM #3 – Frank Krajewski


We are offering the Lord's Supper on Saturday, August 29th via reserved time slots through Sign-up Genius. Schedule a time slot by clicking here, or call the office at (414) 421-1178 to reserve a spot.  Private communion can be set up any time with Pastor Adams – please call him on his cell phone at (414) 416-4710.
BACK TO SCHOOL:  Our first day of school is Monday, August 24th!  We wish God’s blessings on all of our students and staff for a healthy and happy school year!
Aug 19-25 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek, Barb Migacz
Aug 26-Sept 1 – TEAM #1 – Sherry Kosovich, Bev Garves, Vanessa McKee
Aug 26-29 – TEAM #1 – Gordy Lesser
Sept 2-5 – TEAM #2 – Dave Qualmann 


We are offering the Lord's Supper on Saturday, August 29th via reserved time slots through Sign-up Genius. Call the office at (414) 421-1178 to reserve a spot.  Private communion can be set up any time with Pastor Adams – please call him on his cell phone at (414) 416-4710.
CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE:  On Saturday, August 15th, Kayla Ann Peterman & Jace Michael Bolda were united in marriage here at St. Paul’s.   We wish them the Lord’s blessings as they now begin their life together as husband and wife.
2nd PASTOR CALL:  On Wednesday, August 5, St. Paul’s called Pastor Nathan Moldenhauer to be an Associate Pastor here at St. Paul’s. Pastor Moldenhauer is married. His wife’s name is Erin. They have one child who is 11 years old. Pastor Moldenhauer graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 2014. He served for two years at one of our Synod High Schools, Michigan Lutheran Seminary, in Saginaw, Michigan. In 2016, he was assigned to Immanuel Lutheran Church in Greenville, Wisconsin. Immanuel Lutheran Church is a large congregation, consisting of 2,479 souls. There are four pastors who serve there. His phone number is 920-973-3161. His email is: pastorm@immluth.org. We ask that you keep Pastor Moldenhauer in your prayers as he deliberates where the Lord may use his gifts to serve Christ’s Church.   We received this letter from Pastor Moldenhauer:
Dear Brothers and Sisters at St. Paul’s, Greetings in the name of Jesus.  May this letter serve as a formal acknowledgement of the divine call extended to me by your congregation.  I thank you for the confidence you have placed in me and view it as a privilege to consider the opportunity to serve as one of your pastors.  Over the upcoming weeks, I will spend time in prayer and deliberation as I evaluate both how and where best to serve in God’s kingdom.  I welcome any input and perspective you have and ask for your prayers during this time.  Please pray for my family and also God’s work both among you at St. Paul’s and where I currently serve at Immanuel in Greenville.  God’s richest blessings to you as you carry out his saving work!  Your brother in Christ, Nathan Moldenhauer
Aug 12-18 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek, Barb Migacz
Aug 19-25 – TEAM #4 – marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek, Barb Migacz
Aug 19-22 – TEAM #4 – Gary Tosic & Jerry Lehtinen
Aug 26-29 – TEAM #1 – Gordy Lesser


:  Our next call meeting will be this Wednesday, August 5th at 6:30 PM.
HOLY COMMUNION SIGN-UP:  We are offering the Lord's Supper on Saturday, August 8th via reserved time slots through the Sign-up Genius link here:  Communion Sign-up.  Private communion can be set up any time with Pastor Adams – please call him on his cell phone at (414) 416-4710.
CHRIS DRIESBACH WORSHIP:  How in the world does a committed atheist become a WELS Lutheran?  Come and enjoy Christian songwriter and former unbeliever Chris Driesbach on Sunday, August 9th during both worship services.  You can learn more about Chris on his website: www.chrisdriesbach.com.  We are excited to have him back at St. Paul’s!
SCHOOL STAFF UPDATE:  It has been an interesting summer with many ups and downs.  We would like to inform everyone of a change in staffing for the coming school year.  Many families know or have met with Mrs. Krizan in our 3K program.  Unfortunately, due to some health-related issues she has decided to step down from teaching.  We will miss her as a classroom teacher, and wish her God’s richest blessings in the next chapter of her life.  This has been a recent and sudden change, but we have worked to secure a quality teacher to lead the 3K program.  This coming school year Mrs. Mary Tripoli will be taking the lead teacher role in the 3K.  She has been working alongside Mrs. Willms in the past, and before that served a number of years in a different preschool program, bringing many years of experience and a love for students.  We look forward to having her take on this role and serve our families in this new position.  If you are wondering what other roles are being served?  Due to the enrollment numbers, our PreK staff includes Mrs. Willms teaching 4K, Mrs. Tripoli teaching 3K, and Mrs. Streeter will primarily be an aide in 3K but also available if a need arises in 4K. 
     July 29-Aug 4 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer
     Aug 5-11 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer
     Aug 5-8 – TEAM #2 – Dave Qualmann
     Aug 12-15 – TEAM #3 – Frank Krajewski 



As Jesus’ ministry on earth was coming to a close, he told his disciples: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35) It is our love for Christ that governs every action of our lives.
It is in that spirit of Christian love, the Board of Elders, at their monthly meeting on Wednesday, July 15th, made the decision to ask everyone to wear a mask when attending in-person worship services here at St. Paul’s. As we all know, there has been a recent increase in the risk of contracting and transmitting this virus. At this time, we feel that it is important for us to express our Christian love for people that we serve by asking everyone to wear a mask, face shield or face covering when they come to worship. If anyone needs a mask we are happy to provide one. This would not apply to those under the age of 3 or to those who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons.
We are fully aware that many people have very strong opinions on the issue of wearing masks. We also know that there are those who will object to this change and there are those who welcome this change. Therefore, this decision was not made lightly. We don’t want the discussion to be a conversation of fear verses faith. This is an opportunity for us to express Christian love. This change would go into effect beginning with worship on Sunday, July 26th.  We thank you for your cooperation as we express love to our community and those at risk!
CALL RETURNED:  Below is a letter from Pastor Dan Olson, who has returned the call we extended to him to serve as our 2nd pastor:
Dear members of St. Paul’s in Franklin,
What a privilege it was to be called to serve as your pastor! This past week and a half I have been deliberating between the two divine calls that I hold, to St. Paul’s in Franklin, and where I am currently serving, to St. Paul’s in Onalaska. I’ve had time to consider where I might best be able to use my abilities. After much prayer, and after discussing this with numerous people I have decided to decline the call to St. Paul’s in Franklin and remain in Onalaska. I thank you for all the prayers, phone calls, and encouragement that you gave me. Your congregation is a very desirable place to serve and I pray that you will soon have a pastor. I will continue to keep your congregation in my prayers and I pray that you keep me and my family in yours.  God’s blessings as you take the message of the gospel to the people of Franklin.
In His service,  Pastor Dan Olson
NEXT CALL MEETING FOR 2nd PASTOR:  Our next call meeting will be Wednesday, August 5th at 6:30 PM.
MEMORIAL SERVICE: On Thursday, July 16, the Lord called Joe Devcich to his heavenly home. His memorial service will be this Friday, July 31st at 11:00 AM (visitation beginning at 10:30 AM).  May God continue to comfort his family with his promises of love.
GUEST PREACHER: We thank Pastor Larry Ellenberger for leading our worship today!
     July 22-28 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh
     July 29-Aug 4 – TEAM #3 – Jane Koplein, Carol Willms, Connie Myer
     July 29-Aug 1 – TEAM #1 – Gordy Lesser
     Aug 5-8 – TEAM #2 – Dave Qualmann


As Jesus’ ministry on earth was coming to a close, he told his disciples: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35) It is our love for Christ that governs every action of our lives.  
It is in that spirit of Christian love, the Board of Elders, at their monthly meeting on Wednesday, July 15th, made the decision to ask everyone to wear a mask when attending in-person worship services here at St. Paul’s. As we all know, there has been a recent increase in the risk of contracting and transmitting this virus. At this time, we feel that it is important for us to express our Christian love for people that we serve by asking everyone to wear a mask, face shield or face covering when they come to worship. If anyone needs a mask we are happy to provide one. This would not apply to those under the age of 3 or to those who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons. 
We are fully aware that many people have very strong opinions on the issue of wearing masks. We also know that there are those who will object to this change and there are those who welcome this change. Therefore, this decision was not made lightly. We don’t want the discussion to be a conversation of fear verses faith. This is an opportunity for us to express Christian love. This change would go into effect this coming weekend. We thank you for your cooperation as we express love to our community and those at risk!
YEAR-END OFFERING UPDATE: “As we close the book on our fiscal year, I wanted to take a moment to share with all of you the excellent news that we received at last night's Church Council meeting. For the year ending June 30, 2020, your support of the ministries of St Paul's saw contributions in the amount of $679,974. That is an increase of over $69,000 from the previous year. This allowed us to finish the fiscal year with a positive cash balance of over $11,000 (not including the funds received through the government's PPP loan). This is a result to celebrate, and the leadership of St Paul's thanks each and every one of you for your support, especially during these challenging times. As we head into the new year, my God continue to grant each of us the ability to support the various ministries of our local congregation as well as those of our synodical agencies. May you and your family remain safe in His care. ~ Dr. David Brightsman.”
2ND PASTOR CALL:  On Wednesday, July 8th, St. Paul’s called Pastor Daniel Olson to be the 2nd pastor at St. Paul’s. Pastor Olson is currently serving at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Onalaska, Wisconsin. He and his wife have 5 girls ranging from the age of 7 to 15. Pastor Olson graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 2006. Before coming to St. Paul’s in Onalaska in 2016, he had served a mission church in New York City for 10 years. His contact information is: N4320 Germann Court, Onalaska, Wisconsin, 54650-9731; (608) 797-5793 (cell). Below is a letter from him indicating that he has received the Call. Over the next weeks, we ask that everyone keep Pastor Olson in your prayers as he deliberates where he can best serve God – in Onalaska or in Franklin.  
 “Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Through you, the Lord has called me to serve as your pastor. I am humbled that you have chosen me to share with you the precious gospel of Jesus Christ and to work with you to spread the good news with the people in your community. It is truly a joy to serve in the public ministry and to work with God’s chosen people to make known to all people what great things God has done for us.  Please approach God’s throne of grace asking him to bless whatever decision is made. I will be praying as well that God would give me wisdom at this time. Please feel free to contact me via phone (608-797-5793) or email (dolson@stpaulsonalaska.org) at any time to guide me as I strive to determine how best my gifts can be used for God’s Kingdom. I am confident that the Lord will draw all of us closer to him as we lean confidently on his Word and promises to bless and guide us. “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.” (I Timothy 1:17)   Serving Christ with you, Pastor Dan Olson”
MEMORIAL SERVICE: On Thursday, July 16, the Lord called Joe Devcich to his heavenly home. His memorial service will be on Friday, July 31st. May God continue to comfort his family with his promises of love. 
GUEST PREACHERS: We thank Pastor Wayne Shevey for leading our worship service on July 19th. We also thank Pastor Larry Ellenberger for leading our worship on July 26th.


On Wednesday, July 8th, St. Paul’s called Pastor Daniel Olson to be the 2nd pastor at St. Paul’s. Pastor Olson is currently serving at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Onalaska, Wisconsin. He and his wife have 5 girls ranging from the age of 7 to 15. Pastor Olson graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 2006. Before coming to St. Paul’s in Onalaska in 2016, he had served a mission church in New York City for 10 years. His contact information is: N4320 Germann Court, Onalaska, Wisconsin, 54650-9731; (608) 797-5793 (cell). Below is a letter from him indicating that he has received the Call. Over the next weeks, we ask that everyone keep Pastor Olson in your prayers as he deliberates where he can best serve God – in Onalaska or in Franklin.  
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Through you, the Lord has called me to serve as your pastor. I am humbled that you have chosen me to share with you the precious gospel of Jesus Christ and to work with you to spread the good news with the people in your community. It is truly a joy to serve in the public ministry and to work with God’s chosen people to make known to all people what great things God has done for us.  Please approach God’s throne of grace asking him to bless whatever decision is made. I will be praying as well that God would give me wisdom at this time. Please feel free to contact me via phone (608-797-5793) or email (dolson@stpaulsonalaska.org) at any time to guide me as I strive to determine how best my gifts can be used for God’s Kingdom. I am confident that the Lord will draw all of us closer to him as we lean confidently on his Word and promises to bless and guide
us. “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.
Amen.” (I Timothy 1:17)   Serving Christ with you,  Pastor Dan Olson
8TH GRADE GRADUATION:  This Wednesday, July 15th, we will be having a private graduation service for our 8th graders.  Congratulations to the following students: Amanda Baumann, Josephina Graetz, Alex Martin, Claire Olson, Kodee Spiegl, Ava Triplett, Luke Vilbaum, Nicholas Witucki and Jayden Ziegler.  We wish these students the Lord’s blessings in high school!
July 8-14 – TEAM #1 – Sherry Kosovich, Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee
July 15-21 – TEAM #2 – Jane Koplein, Joan Shevey, Rebecca Kragh
July 15-18 – TEAM #3 – Frank Krajewski
July 22-25 – TEAM #4 – Gary Tosic & Jerry Lehtinen


We are once again offering the Lord's Supper on Saturday, July 11th via reserved time slots through Sign-up Genius. Click here or call the office at (414) 421-1178 to reserve a spot.  Private communion can be set up any time with Pastor Adams – please call him on his cell phone at (414) 416-4710.
2ND PASTOR CALL MEETING:  There will be a special voters meeting on Wednesday, July 8th at 6:30 PM to call a second Pastor.  District President Kolander will be here to lead that Call Meeting. We continue to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide our efforts and bless the ministry of St. Paul’s.
UPDATE ON RETURNING TO SCHOOL IN THE FALL:  On behalf of St. Paul’s Board of Education, along with the staff, we would like to inform you that we are working to prepare for a full in-school schedule this fall for all grade levels. Full schedule classes are our primary goal.  We will follow other options if we have circumstances that will not allow us to be in the building.  We have been working throughout the summer preparing for students returning to the classrooms.  We are setting up plans and protocols for safety in health including, but not limited to...

- hands-free sanitizer stations throughout the building,
- diligence in handwashing,
- daily cleaning and disinfecting, and
- screening for anyone entering the building
- as well as working on procuring and planning for PPE needs and equipment. 
There will be more shared with you in the coming weeks describing the plans for the school year.  We are continually evaluating our options and are communicating with the local Health Department in an effort to use best practices to provide a safe environment for your children and staff here at St. Paul’s.  
     July 1-7 – TEAM #1 – Sherry Kosovich, Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee
     July 8-14 – TEAM #1 – Sherry Kosovich, Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee
     July 8-11 – TEAM #2 – Dave Qualmann
     July 15-18 – TEAM #3 – Frank Krajewski



St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Voter’s Meeting Agenda
June 28, 2020 – 11:00 a.m. 

  • Opening Prayer/Devotion

  • Reading and approval of minutes of the previous regular meeting and any intervening

  • Special Meetings

  • Registration

  • Acceptance, release, removal, and transfer of members

  • Treasurer’s report and presentation of the 2020-2021 Ministry Plan (budget)

  • Recommendations of the Church Council

    • Retroactive approval of sanctuary piano purchase

    • Approval of proposed changes to the By-laws

    • Approval for calling a pastor to replace Pastor Hoff

    • Approval of male called worker housing allowance

    • Approval of Provisional Call for Rachel Manske – Kindergarten teacher

    • Approval to install ADA compliant power assist doors to the sanctuary

    • Approval to install PA and Intercom System throughout the school and public spaces

  • Elections

  • New Business

  • Closing Prayer

       June 24-30 – TEAM #4 – Marge Gebert, Renate Nazimek, Barb Migacz
       July 1-7 – TEAM #1 – Sherry Kosovich, Beverly Garves, Vanessa McKee
       July 1-4 – TEAM #1 – Gordy Lesser
       July 8-11 – TEAM #2 – Dave Qualmann


:  Happy Father's Day to all of the fathers in our congregation!  Thank you for being the cornerstone of our families!


CONGREGATIONAL UPDATE FROM DR. BRIGHTSMAN:  I hope this brief update finds you and your family safe and healthy.   On behalf of the leadership of St. Paul’s, I wanted to thank all of your for your participation and prayers during these challenging times and update you as we move forward in addressing our ministry needs in light of the departure of Pastor Hoff. Recently you were provided opportunity to share your thoughts regarding St Paul’s strengths, challenges, and direction. This past Tuesday evening (6/10), the Church Council spent time reviewing and discussing the feedback we received from 64 respondents. That feedback was then summarized and forwarded on to our District President, Pastor David Kolander on Wednesday morning. Pastor Kolander will use that information to prepare for a pre-call meeting to be held with the Council and the Board of Elders. At the time of this update, we are working on scheduling that meeting in the coming days. The purpose of that meeting is to help DP Kolander better understand the ministry needs of our congregation and inform him in preparing a call list in the future. 


Before such a list can be developed however, the Voter’s Assembly, the calling body of the congregation, must meet and authorize a pastoral call. We have added this to our annual meeting of the Voter’s which is scheduled for Sunday, June 28 at 11:00am. We believe that we can hold this meeting in our sanctuary in such a way that allow us to comply with all current local and national health guidelines and that conforms to the policies for established by the Board of Elders which some of you saw implemented this past Sunday when in person worship resumed. Further details will be forthcoming in your weekly updates, so please look for them.


Assuming call authorization is received from the Voters; we will notify Pastor Kolander and ask him to prepare a call list for our consideration. We will then set a call meeting and gather once again to consider the list provided to us. Through the wisdom and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I am confident that He will lead us to address our ministry needs in the manner that best serves St. Paul’s. I encourage each of you to continue praying that He bless our efforts and continue your faithful support of all our ministries at St Paul’s.


HOLY COMMUNION SIGN-UP:  We are once again offering the Lord's Supper on Saturday, June 27th via reserved time slots through Sign-up Genius. Call the office at (414) 421-1178 to reserve a spot.  Private communion can be set up any time with Pastor Adams – please call him on his cell phone at (414) 416-4710.



            June 24-27 – TEAM #4 – Gary Tosic and Jerry Lehtinen

            July 1-4 – TEAM #1 – Gordy Lesser


JOB OPPORTUNITY:  Word of Life Lutheran School is now taking applications for a school Administrative Assistant.  Terms of employment are as follows:

·       full or part-time employment

·       hourly pay at the rate depending on skills and experience

·       workman’s compensation per state law

·       preferred work hours are Monday through Friday from 7 AM until 4PM

·       summer hours and schedule negotiable

·       2-weeks vacation policy for beginning employees


Applicants should possess the following qualifications:


·       WELS member with caring Christian people skills

·       general office and reception skills

·       accounting / bookkeeping skills and ability to learn Quickbooks

·       knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite including Word and Excel

·       ability to use Google Suite


Applicants should contact Principal Philip Krueger for an interview. Contact can be through e-mail, pkrueger@wi.rr.com, or by phone (414) 813-0820. Applications will be taken through Sunday, June 28th. Interviews will take place June 29th and 30th.



The Lord called Mr. Walter Naujock to his heavenly home on Thursday, June 4th.   A Christian funeral service was held at Heritage Funeral Home on Friday, June 12th.  “Then I heard a voice from heaven say, "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them." (Revelation 14:13)
CONGREGATIONAL UPDATE FROM DR. BRIGHTSMAN:  I hope this brief update finds you and your family safe and healthy.  On behalf of the leadership of St. Paul’s, I wanted to thank all of your for your participation and prayers during these challenging times and update you as we move forward in addressing our ministry needs in light of the departure of Pastor Hoff. Recently you were provided opportunity to share your thoughts regarding St Paul’s strengths, challenges, and direction. This past Tuesday evening (6/10), the Church Council spent time reviewing and discussing the feedback we received from 64 respondents. That feedback was then summarized and forwarded on to our District President, Pastor David Kolander on Wednesday morning. Pastor Kolander will use that information to prepare for a pre-call meeting to be held with the Council and the Board of Elders. At the time of this update, we are working on scheduling that meeting in the coming days. The purpose of that meeting is to help DP Kolander better understand the ministry needs of our congregation and inform him in preparing a call list in the future. 
Before such a list can be developed however, the Voter’s Assembly, the calling body of the congregation, must meet and authorize a pastoral call. We have added this to our annual meeting of the Voter’s which is scheduled for Sunday, June 28 at 11:00am. We believe that we can hold this meeting in our sanctuary in such a way that allow us to comply with all current local and national health guidelines and that conforms to the policies for established by the Board of Elders which some of you saw implemented this past Sunday when in person worship resumed. Further details will be forthcoming in your weekly updates, so please look for them.
Assuming call authorization is received from the Voters; we will notify Pastor Kolander and ask him to prepare a call list for our consideration. We will then set a call meeting and gather once again to consider the list provided to us. Through the wisdom and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I am confident that He will lead us to address our ministry needs in the manner that best serves St. Paul’s. I encourage each of you to continue praying that He bless our efforts and continue your faithful support of all our ministries at St Paul’s.
HOLY COMMUNION SIGN-UP:  We are once again offering the Lord's Supper on Saturday, June 27th via reserved time slots through Sign-up Genius. Click here or call the office at (414) 421-1178 to reserve a spot.  Private communion can be set up any time with Pastor Adams – please call him on his cell phone at (414) 416-4710.
            June 17-20 – TEAM #3 – Frank Krajewski
            June 24-27 – TEAM #4 – Gary Tosic and Jerry Lehtinen


In-Person Worship
We are happy to be able to offer in-person worship once again!  We understand that some may not be comfortable attending just yet, so we will record our worship service and have it available online after all services in church are complete.  As these are still uncertain times, we will continue to re-evaluate our procedures for the health and safety of our members, and welcome any feedback you may have!
Holy Communion Sign-up:  We are once again offering the Lord's Supper on Saturday, June 13th via reserved time slots through Sign-up Genius. Click here or call the office at (414) 421-1178 to reserve a spot.  Private communion can be set up any time with Pastor Adams – please call him on his cell phone at (414) 416-4710.
Thank You:  A special thank you goes out to our team of volunteers that called all of our members during the Safer-At-Home order.   We appreciate all the work you’ve done for us, and know that our members appreciated the calls!  Thank you!

Thank You:  Thank you to our volunteers that helped with the church cleaning this past Saturday to get things ready for our re-opening!
St. Paul's Gala & Silent Auction:  Our Gala has a new date!  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, September 26th at 5:00 PM.  We look forward to seeing you!
Grass Cutting:
            June 10-13 – TEAM #2 – Dave Qualmann
            June 17-20 – TEAM #3 – Frank Krajewski


Plan for Worship Services in Church:  Beginning next Sunday, June 7th, we will start in-person worship services.  The Board of Elders' plan for worship was e-mailed to all those with e-mail addresses on file, and mailed to all of our other members on Friday.  You can also read it here.

Holy Communion Sign-up:  We are once again offering the Lord's Supper on Saturday, June 13th via reserved time slots through Sign-up Genius.  Click here or call the office at (414) 421-1178 to reserve a spot.

Grass Cutting:  June 3-6 - Crew #1 - Gordy Lesser, June 10-13 - Crew #2 - Dave Qualmann


Plan for Worship Services in Church:  This past week the Board of Elders made the decision to start face-to-face Sunday services on June 7th.  They will be at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM.  Watch for more detailed information coming this week.

St. Paul's Gala & Silent Auction:  Our Gala has a new date!  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, September 26th at 5:00 PM.  We look forward to seeing you!

Grass Cutting:  May 27-30 - Crew #4 - Gary Tosic & Jerry Lehtinen, June 3-6 - Crew #1 - Gordy Lesser


Link to St. Paul's Lutheran Church on Channel 12 News. 


Plan for Worship Services in Church: We have begun to develop the plan for worshipping back in church again.  Our Board of Elders are meeting this week to discuss that plan.  We will communicate that plan to you as soon as we can.
Vacation Bible Camp:  We will not be having Vacation Bible Camp this year.  We look forward to seeing everyone next year!

Email addresses:  The easiest way to communicate information to the congregation is through email.  If you are not receiving emails from St. Paul’s, please call the office at 414-421-1178 or email to office@stpaulsfranklin.org with your information. Thank you.

Piano Update:  We are excited to announce that we raised $10,317.00 in donations for our new piano!  We appreciate the generosity of all of our members, and look forward to hearing the piano in person again soon!

May Basket Fundraiser:  There are still a few weeks left to order your beautiful hanging baskets from Flower Petals Farm!   Flower Petals Farm will be holding a hanging basket fundraiser to benefit St. Paul's!  Here are the details:  12" Combo Baskets -- $25.00 each   Pick up dates at church will be:  May 24th & May 31st.  Due to the" Safer at Home" order,  we will be offering drive thru pick up every 15 mins. 9am till 12pm.  Please call (414) 517-5161 to place your orders and schedule pick up time.  For every basket sold the church will receive $5.00!  Thank you for supporting Flower Petals Farm and St. Paul's!  Check out their website:  Flowerpetalsfarm.weebly.com  

Grass Cutting:  May 20-23 - Crew #3 - Frank Krajewski, May 27-30 - Crew #4 - Gary Tosic & Jerry Lehtinen


We will be offering Holy Communion next Saturday, May 16th and Sunday, May 17th from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM with specific guidelines in place to follow the Safer At Home order.  Please sign up using the following link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0c4cafa623a2fd0-holy  or call the office (414) 421-1178 to sign up.


Southside Ministries Collection:  Thank you to everyone that has donated to the St. Peter's Food Pantry.  In addition to all of the food we've collected, we've also collected $1,050.00 in monetary donations!  Thank you!  We are continuing to collect donations.

May Basket Fundraiser:  During the month of May, Flower Petals Farm will be holding a hanging basket fundraiser to benefit St. Paul's!  Here are the details:  12" Combo Baskets -- $25.00 each   Pick up dates at church will be:  May 17th, May 24th, May 31st.  Due to the" Safer at Home" order,  we will be offering drive thru pick up every 15 mins. 9am till 12pm.  Please call (414) 517-5161 to place your orders and schedule pick up time.  For every basket sold the church will receive $5.00!  Thank you for supporting Flower Petals Farm and St. Paul's!  Check out their website:  Flowerpetalsfarm.weebly.com

Technical Difficulties:  We are having trouble with the website this week, so our Weekly Message link will take you directly to YouTube for viewing.  You can also watch it on Facebook.  We apologize for the inconvenience!

Grass Cutting:  May 13-16 - Crew #2 - Dave Qualmann, May 20-23 - Crew #3 - Frank Krajewski


Holy Communion:  If members of St. Paul's would like to receive the Lord's Supper, they may contact Pastor Adams.  We are currently working on a plan to offer the Lord's Supper regularly to the members of St. Paul's, while still adhering to the Governor's Safer At Home order.  Please watch for more information to follow. 

Grass Cutting:  Spring is here and the grass is growing, which means it's time to cut!  A note to our grass cutting volunteers - this year's schedules have been mailed to your homes, and we will also list the schedule here.  Thank you for your continued help in keeping our grounds looking great!
   May 6-9 - Crew #1 - Gordy Lesser
   May 13-16 - Crew #2 - Dave Qualmann

Northwestern Publishing House Resources:  Northwestern Publishing House is offering several resources to help your family stay connected to Christ, including free editions of Meditations and Forward In Christ.  The link is here: https://online.nph.net/free-resources 


An Announcement from Mr. Schulmeister: 

Dear members and families of St. Paul's, 

Over the past couple of weeks I have considered the two calls I have, my current call here at St. Paul's and another call at Wisconsin Lutheran School in Racine, WI. In that time I am thankful for all who have reached out to speak with me and for your prayers. It has been a joy to serve the families and community of St. Paul's for the past seven years.

Through careful consideration and prayer, I have been led to return the call to Wisconsin Lutheran School and continue my service here at St. Paul's. Please keep them in your prayers as they look to fill the vacancy of a school leader at Wisconsin Lutheran School. I look forward to the future of St. Paul's, and I am encouraged by the support of so many as we work to continue to improve our school and our connection to the nearby community. It has truly been a blessing to serve here and I look forward to what the Lord has in store for St. Paul's. 

In Christ,
Nathan Schulmeister


Call Received:  Dear Members of St. Paul’s, This past Tuesday, April 14, I received a divine call to be the principal at Wisconsin Lutheran School in Racine, Wisconsin.  Wisconsin Lutheran School is a PreK through Eighth Grade school supported by two congregations.   I have truly been blessed to serve as a teacher and principal here at St. Paul’s for the past 7 years.  I ask that you keep all of the congregations and schools in your thoughts and prayers during this deliberation.   I also ask that you continue to pray for my family and me as we work towards a decision.  I welcome any comments and thoughts you would like to share as I determine where my talents can be best served.  Your Brother in Christ, Mr. Nathan Schulmeister

Southside Ministries Food Pantry:  We are still collecting non-perishable food items and monetary donations for Southside Ministries (St. Peter's) Food Pantry.  Thank you to those that have already donated!  We appreciate your generosity!  

Online Services:  Remember, you can watch our Weekly Messages anytime on our website, Facebook and YouTube!  If you would like a printed copy of the sermon mailed to you, please contact the office!


Southside Ministries Food Pantry:  If you would like to help out with the Food Pantry at Southside Ministries (St. Peter’s), we will be collecting non-perishable food in the hallway of the school.  You may drop it off anytime.  If you wish to help out with a monetary gift, you may do so as well.  Checks can be made out to: “St. Peter’s Food Pantry.”
“Virtual” Kid's Talk: This week’s service will have a “Virtual Kid’s Talk” in it.  Please check it out!

Happy Easter: Covid-19 has prevented us from worshiping together today but nothing, not even death or grave, could prevent Jesus from rising from the dead that first Easter morning. He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Pastor Hoff Farewell: Today marks the end of another chapter in St. Paul’s history. This Easter service is Pastor Hoff’s final service at St. Paul’s before beginning his ministry at First German Lutheran in Manitowoc. Look for his personal farewell message at the end of today’s service. Though we are sad to see him leave, we wish Pastor Hoff and his family every blessing in his new congregation. We'll miss you, Hoff Family!

WELS Easter Service:  At 6 p.m. (central time) on Easter Sunday there will be the FIRST EVER livestreamed, synodwide Easter worship celebration. Even though we are not together physically, fellow believers from around the world can gather “Together at the Empty Tomb.” You may access the service here.


Maunday Thursday Devotion

Luke 22:47-48 – “While he was still speaking a crowd came up, and the man who was called Judas, one of the Twelve, was leading them. He approached Jesus to kiss him, but Jesus asked him, “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?”
Benedict Arnold was an early American hero of the Revolutionary War who later became one of the most infamous traitors in U.S. history after he switched sides and fought for the British.
Benedict Arnold had served the Americans in the Revolutionary War. He had faithfully served under George Washington. Yet, Benedict Arnold never received the recognition that he thought he deserved. He saw Junior Officers being appointed over him. He had become resentful in his heart.  
But then Benedict Arnold seriously wounded the same leg he had injured at the battle over Quebec. Rendered temporarily incapable of a field command, he accepted the position of Military Governor of Philadelphia in 1778. While there, his loyalties began to change. It is reported that Benedict and his wife lived a life style well beyond their means. In short time, they began to accumulate a huge amount of debt. The debt and the resentment that Arnold felt over not being promoted faster were the motivating factors in his choice to change sides.
In 1779, he entered into secret negotiations with the British, agreeing to turn over the U.S. post at West Point in return for money and a command in the British army. The plot was discovered, but Benedict Arnold escaped to British lines before he could be arrested. West Point remained in American hands, and he only received a portion of his promised bounty. His name, Benedict, has since become synonymous in many people’s mind with the word “traitor.”
Today, the Gospel writer Luke speaks about another man whose name has become synonymous with the word “traitor.” His name is Judas. With a simple greeting, a kiss, he betrayed the Son of God. Yet, Jesus was not giving up on Judas. He knew the struggle he was going through. To the very end, Jesus, the warrior, continued to reach out his hand to Judas.
There are times that we may fight the same battles that Judas faced. It could be some guilt from the past. It could be things that make us feel dirty and unworthy of Jesus. Maybe it’s experiencing some kind of disappointment in life. We may feel abandoned. We may feel that our warrior Jesus is not fighting for us anymore. But Jesus has not abandoned you. The same hands that reached out to the traitor Judas, reach out to you as well.
In many Christian Churches, today is known as Maundy Thursday. It’s a time that we focus on the love that Jesus gave to his church through the Lord’s Supper. A special meal that God gives us the very same body and blood that he would shed on the cross to forgive our sins. Even though we may not be able to receive the Lord’s Supper today because of COVID-19, we will again receive it someday. We will receive our warrior’s flesh and blood through the bread and wine to strengthen us.  
If we were honest with ourselves, we would see that we have all been traitors of Jesus. Every single day we sin against our God. Yet, every day we can take comfort that Jesus has forgiven our sins because he shed his body and blood for us. May that comfort rest with each of you always.    


This Sunday evening (April 5), Palm Sunday, WELS President Mark Schroeder will be delivering a brief message to the members of our synod in an online video broadcast. The message will be broadcast live at 6:00 p.m. (central). You are invited to access that message live online. If you are not able to view the video when it is broadcast live, it will be archived online.

"There will be anopportunity for our entire synod to gather online for a special Easter Sunday evening service to be broadcast from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary at 6 p.m. (central). We will gather as one family of believers, from across the country and around the world, not only to celebrate our Savior’s Easter victory but also to express our unity of faith and mission as members of the Wisconsin Synod. The theme of the service will be, “Together at the Empty Tomb.” Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary President Earle Treptow will deliver the Easter message. A small choir, along with a few instruments, will enhance the worship with music and songs of praise. I’m thankful to Pastor Jon Hein, coordinator of WELS Congregational Services, for planning and coordinating this event. I look forward to being with you for this special Easter celebration. You can watch it live online. Stay online after the service for a live Q&A session hosted by President Treptow and Rev. Hein, where viewers can ask questions."

Email Addresses: Are you receiving emails from St. Paul's? If not, please send your email address to the church office at: office@stpaulsfranklin.org

Printed Sermons and Announcements: If you know of someone who would like to recieve printed copies of the sermon and the announcements, please contact the church office at: office@stpaulsfranklin.org of call at 414-421-1178.

YouTube: Our worship services can also be found on YouTube now. Our channel is: St Pauls Franklin

4/01/20 - Devotion

Navy Seals who go into enemy territory are trained to always know the answer to three crucial questions: where am I, where is my enemy, and who are my friends?  It’s relatively easy for a highly trained soldier to identify his or her enemy in a combat situation, but it can be a little harder for us to identify the enemy that is always trying to defeat us in the context of our every-day lives.  Imagine the foolishness of a soldier going into battle without knowing anything about the enemy they were facing—what they looked like, how they acted, why they were even considered the enemy in the first place.
In his letter to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul identifies the enemy that we all face. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12) We face a dangerous enemy. This enemy is the devil and his demons. Their goal is to destroy you and me and everyone else. They want to destroy our faith, destroy our life, destroy our hope, and destroy our soul. Satan is our enemy.
But we have a mighty warrior in Jesus. Both Jesus and Satan used the cross as their weapon. Satan thought he had beaten Jesus when Jesus died on the cross. Yet Jesus used the cross as his ultimate weapon to beat all the forces of darkness – the devil, the world, our sinful flesh, and death itself. Satan is defeated eternally.
And because of Jesus, I can see through death into eternity, where there is a real place alongside millions of fellow believers like my family and all of you, where we’ll be with Jesus forever in a life filled with so much wonder and beauty and joy and love and action that is far beyond our wildest dreams.


On the website, a couple of new links have been added under “resources.” You can now watch the March edition of the WELS Connection and also view a copy of the most recent issue of Forward in Christ magazine. The links are below.
We are looking for volunteers who would be willing to make phone calls to our less tech savvy members of St. Paul’s. This would just be an encouraging call to see how they are doing and if they need help with anything. If you’d be interested in making any calls, please contact the church office or the pastors.
If you, or anyone you know, could use help in any way, please contact the church office or the pastors. Your church and fellow members are here to help.


Click on the image below to watch the latest WELS Connection

     Click on the image below, to read a free copy of the WELS "Forward in Christ.

3/25/2020 Devotion

As World War II was drawing to a close, the Allied armies gathered up many hungry orphans. They were placed in camps where they were well-fed. Despite excellent care, they slept poorly. They seemed nervous and afraid. Finally, a psychologist came up with the solution. Each child was given a piece of bread to hold after he was put to bed. This particular piece of bread was just to be held—not eaten. The piece of bread produced wonderful results. The children went to bed knowing instinctively they would have food to eat the next day. That guarantee gave the children a restful and contented sleep.
Jesus is the Bread of Life. He tells us: “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” (John 6:35) We live in a time that we realize that we cannot handle things anymore by ourselves. Yet, we know who can handle all things for us. Jesus is that Bread of Life that guarantees us that we will be okay.
During this season of Lent, we have seen the Son of God go forth to War with Satan. Will some reject this Warrior Jesus? Yes. Even though some may reject Jesus, we echo the words of Peter: "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God." (John 6:68-69) In our uncertain times, may our Warrior Jesus give you rest and peace.

OUR INTENTION TO SERVE ALL: I hope that this note finds everyone happy and healthy.  Our lives have changed drastically this week, but as Christians we take comfort knowing that God is still in control of our lives no matter what happens.
On Tuesday, March 17th, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), has issued a new order for a statewide moratorium on mass gatherings of 10 people or more to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. This order became effective at 5:00 pm on March 17th. "Mass gathering" is defined as any planned or spontaneous, public or private event or convening that will bring together or is likely to bring together 10 or more people in a single room or single confined or enclosed space at the same time.
Some may be asking the question, “Is this a time when we should obey God rather than men?” There are a couple of things that should be remembered.
The Fourth and Fifth Commandments apply in a situation like this. We are to obey and respect the governing authorities as they carry out their God-given responsibilities, and we are to do all we can to protect our neighbors and keep them from harm.
At the same time God certainly desires that Christian gather together regularly for worship. In limiting the size of worship gatherings, the government is not attempting to deny our freedom of religion. Rather, government authorities have issued mandates that they believe will protect citizens from harm.
Since all of these biblical principles are valid, it is legitimate for us to strive to comply with governmental regulations on the one hand and, on the other, to find alternate means to enable God’s people to be fed with Word and sacrament.
It remains our mission at St. Paul’s to serve you spiritually even through the coronavirus crisis. Since none of us have gone through something like this, we ask for your patience.
ONLINE RESOURCES: We will continue to use both our website and our Facebook page to provide resources for everyone to use. On our website, we have added a list of Spiritual Resources for people to use. We will continue to add to this list over time. We will create links to those resources from our Facebook page as well.

HEATHER SCHMIDT CALL DECISION:  As many of you recall before the adjustments for COVID-19, Miss Heather Schmidt had received a call to serve at another school.  She has made a decision on her call.  Her words:

As you know, over the past few weeks, I have been deliberating a call to St. John's in Montello, WI.   After much prayer and many conversations with people at both congregations, the Lord has led me to return the call to St. John's and continue serving here at St. Paul's.

I would like to thank all who offered prayers on my behalf or shared their thoughts and opinions with me.  I am truly blessed to serve this congregation.  To God be the glory!

In His Service,
Heather Schmidt
ST. PAUL’S SCHOOL: This closure also impacts our St. Paul’s School.  In response to both the COVID-19 outbreak and Governor Evers’ mandate, our school will be closed to student education.  We will continue to monitor updates and make a decision on re-opening.  During that time St. Paul’s is implementing Virtual Learning Days.  Virtual Learning Days are school days.  But, unlike a traditional school day, attendance is not determined by being physically present in the school building.  Instead, attendance is tracked through completion of a student’s homework assignments that our parents pick up and drop off at school.
NEED HELP? We recognize that there are people who are not able to get out to buy groceries or other necessary supplies.  If you need help, please contact the church office at 421-1178, or Pastor Adams at 416-4710.  Or you can email to: office@stpaulsfranklin.org or badams@stpaulsfranklin.org. We will try to find help for you.
OFFERINGS: Even though our congregation’s church and school activities have been greatly reduced in our facility during this time, your continued financial support is still needed to support the ongoing ministry of St. Paul’s. If you have offering envelopes, your offering can be placed in the envelope, add a stamp and drop it in the mail.  If you want to electronically give a one-time gift or set up a regular offering plan go to the St. Paul’s Church Website and click “Donate” on the top line. Thank you.
  • We are working on ways to provide a weekly message online.
  • We are exploring ways to provide the Lord’s Supper to our members, and yet continue to follow the order from the State of Wisconsin.
  • If we are not able to worship together in church for Good Friday and Easter, it is our intention to celebrate Good Friday and Easter after this outbreak is over. Even if it is weeks after the date of Easter on the calendar.
  • If this outbreak continues past the date of Confirmation, we will have to discuss that further.
  • Explore ways to have the sanctuary open for those who wish to stop in for personal prayer and reflection. Please keep in mind the 10 person limit and practicing social distancing (six feet). We need to find ways that will not pass the COVID-19 virus to another person.
  • You are welcome to stop and see your pastor for personal spiritual care and encouragement.